Matija Šuklje wrote:

I'm just making my first real document in ConTeXt and although I'm thinking more and more how this was a great idea. I also decided to simultaneously write an external document/module containing all definitions to fit the
But as a newbie, of course, I stumbled upon some beginner's problems:

1. Chapter heading is not like I would expect — I would like to have the line above the chapter as long as the one below it

You need a \noindentation in the  setuphead command:


this is not very obvious, but the \hairline is indented just like
a normal paragraph if you don't add the \noidentation.

2. The empty page at the end of the document annoys me and doesn't want to go away.

This is a FAQ: Large documents that have front- and backmatters
are likely books, and books should have an even number of pages. On a
small document (article, letter), you would simply not use the section
block commands at all.

In any case, from the wiki page

comes this solution/workaround


3. The citations won't show any content, neither does the list of publications — I'm clearly doing something very wrong here. What I want is numbered citation with short references at the bottom and full references in the list of publications in the appendices.

Here you've hit a number of problems, some of which are in the bib
module, not your doing.

* the module does not currently support all types of \cite across
  section block boundaries, and that is why you do not get output
  from your \cite commands.

  Solution: none. it is not possible to combine 'short' citation
  and mainmatter/backmatter/appendices. (this problem is nasty, but
  quite hard to fix).

* the module also has a different problem; this time with your file
  name (konkurenčnaklavzula_context.tex). One of the internal
  references the bib module creates attaches the input file name to
  a reference, and if the document name is not 7-bit ascii this
  apparently fails. It is something I have never tested.

  Workaround: only use visible ASCII in your file names (for now,
  I intend to fix this).

* You have to be a bit more careful about the \startpublication
  - watch out for extra space characters. The only ones that are
    ignored are the ones just before a key.
  - if a value contains equals signs, square brackets, or commas,
    you have to wrap it in braces.

* The \author command inside bbl files takes three arguments:


* monthconversion takes a 'conversion specifier', not a macro
  name. So you need this instead:


Finally, if you want to have 'short' keys in the publication list,
it makes sense to add a set up like this:


After all those changes, fixes, and workarounds, I ended up with the
attached files.

4. If I want to include 'pf_ul.tex' and 'moja_bibliografija.bbl' into my user's local modules in Linux, where should I place the link to them? It's a bit annoying to have to place links to them in each directory where I make a new new file that uses them. And clearly, there will be many yet to come!

The normal place would be


in one of the <texmf> directories that is searched by context. You have
to re-run maketexlsr after adding files to that directory, and then
context should be able to find your files just like it knows where
knuth.tex etc. are.

Best wishes,
%d Tu so ConTeXt definicije oblike ipd., kot so predpisane za seminarske
%d in diplomske naloge na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
%c Avtor: Matija Å uklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c Avtor dovoljuje (in spodbuja) uporabo vsebino tega „dela“ pod pogoji v licenci GPL.

%d This are the ConTeXt definitions of layout etc. as perscribed for writing a thesis
%d on the Law faculty, University of Ljubljana
%c Author: Matija Å uklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c The author permits (and encourages) the usage of this "work" under the terms of the GPL licence.

%%% splošne definicije dokumenta

% jezik, UTF-8 in velikost papirja

%%% za informacije v PDF, pobere podatke iz definicij glavnega dokumenta

% da dela UTF-8 tudi v PDF kazalu in informacijah o dokumentu
\input spec-tst

% pobere iz glavnega dokumenta definicije in jih zapiše v informacije v PDF
	keyword={\tip, \kljucnebesede}

% ustvari kazalo v PDF

%%% kazalo


%%% oblika poglavij ipd.

% zgenerira okoli naslova prvo stran na podlagi definicij iz glavnega dokumenta in datuma ob generiranju
	before={\startalignment[middle] Univerza v Ljubljani \crlf Pravna fakulteta \vfill},
		(\tip)		% definiraj v dokumentu — npr. \def\tip{diplomska naloga}
		Avtor: \avtor		% definiraj v dokumentu — npr. \def\autor{Matija Šuklje}
		Mentor: \mentor		% definiraj v dokumentu — npr. \def\mentor{preljubi profesor}
		Ljubljana, \currentdate{} \stopalignment \page

% poglavja

% oddelki

% pododdelki

%%% splošna oblika teksta


%%% definicije za citiranje in bibliografijo

% da sploh dela citiranje in bibliografija in ga poišče v zunanji datoteki
\input moja_bibliografija.bbl

% splošne nastavitve za citiranje
%TODO — predeli sam začasna oblika
	monthconversion=Romannumerals% ne dela?

% splošne nastavitve za bibliografijo
%TODO — sploh ustvari!!

% zakonodaja
%TODO — predeli sam začasna oblika
	\inserttitle{\bgroup}{\egroup. }{}
	\insertjournal{\bgroup\it}{\egroup, }{}
	\insertvolume{}{ }{}
	\insertpubyear{(}{) }{}
	\insertissue{}{, }{}
	\insertday{}{. }{}
	\insertmonth{}{. }{}
	\insertpages{Str. }{.}{}

% \setupcite[key,author][]


%TODO — prenesi vse kar se le da iz glavnega dokumenta sem

%TODO — citiranje (to bo še komplicirano!)



        k=ZOFVI,        % key, po katerem citiraš
        t=zakon,        % tip publikacije je zakon
        s=ZOFVI,        % short citation
        \title{Zakon o organizaciji in financiranju vzgoje in izobraževanja}
        \journal{Uradni list Republike Slovenije}

\startpublication[a={Matija Å uklje},
\title{Neki nekastga}
\author{Matija}{}{Å uklje}
% za pravila PF UL
\input pf_ul
\def\avtor{Matija Å uklje}
\def\mentor{as. mag. Luka Tičar}
\def\tip{seminarska naloga}
\def\naslov{Konkurenčna klavzula v delovni pogodbi}
\def\kljucnebesede{delovno pravo}

% moji lastni linki
\useURL[author-email][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },conversion=Romannumerals,location=right]



\input knuth

{\en		% začasno spremeni jezik v angleščino

\input knuth


\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },right={ od \lastpagenumber},location=right]

\chapter{Kr en poglavje}

\section[1]{Prvo poglavje}

\input tufte


\input knuth

tuki citiram, veš? \cite[ZOFVI] \cite[neki]






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