Aditya Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The example features some \definecolor's which I just did away with
>> (sadly) by simply substituting their defining values for their
>> occurences.  (This is unfortunate, but perhaps necessary until some
>> other mechanism is produced.)  The problem is that the text box to the
>> right of the picture is supposed to be colored, and with rounded
>> corners.  But the box is missing.  Look at p. 20 of
> The TikZ manual make a lot of uses of the xcolor syntax
> (e.g. \color{red!20}). There is no equivalent ConTeXt syntax. You need
> to define a color, say lightred, as follows
> \definecolor[lightred][r=0.2]
> For tikz key-value options, pgf works behind the scene to define
> appropriate colors, so xcolor syntax works for them. So
> \fill[fillcolor=red!20] will work as expected. However, when using
> \color inside any box, you need to follow ConTeXt syntax. So
> \color[red!20] will not work, you need to define a context color and
> then use that.

I'm still not able to get fillcolor to work with the information box:

  \starttikzpicture[scale=4,information text/.style={fill=red}]
  \draw[xshift=1.85cm] node[right,text width=6cm,information text] 
  The \color[green]{angle $\alpha$} is
    $30^\circ$ in the example ($\pi/6$ in radians). The \color[red]{sine
      of $\alpha$}, which is the height of the red line, is
  \color[red]{\sin \alpha} = 1/2.
  By the Theorem of Pythagoras ... 

Is ConTeXt correctly parsing the key "information tex/.style"?


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