Hello Hans,

I have modified the gnuplot module a bit, and stumbled upon:

1.) the need for
     \ifx\savebuffer\undefined \else \savebuffer[...]\fi
which has been expected

2.) undefined command
I have now used a wrapper to skip that line in LuaTeX (btw: what's the
suggested \if clause or \beginNOLUATEX to check for luatex/mkiv?) Does
it make sense to define \let\forceMPTEXcheck\empty in mkiv perhaps?

3.) undefined command \obeyMPlines. I actually forgot why I needed it,
but according to the comment:
    \obeyMPlines % <- no longer a problem
    \def\obeyedline{}% <- thanks to this
I simply commented out the first line and hoped for no problems in mkii

4.) It seems to work without problems now, except for one tiny detail
that I get in the final PDF.
    [do we need TeXtexts in MkIV]

What is that supposed to mean?

I need to admit that I have the following piece of code in the module
(in case that matters). Maybe I'm the only one who uses it, so if you
have any idea how to modify the macros to make
\sometxt[gp][iwona,14pt]{text} work in mkiv, I will happily drop the
old code/replace it for mkiv.

Thanks a lot,

The relevant code from the module:

%D Aditya, thanks a lot for requesting it!
%D Hans, thanks a lot for implementing this!
%D TODO (feature request):
%D \starttyping
%D    \sometxt[gp][ss,20pt]{abc}
%D \stoptyping
%D should become equivalent to
%D \starttyping
%D    \sometxt{\switchtobodyfont[ss,20pt]\strut abc}
%D \stoptyping

%D The following patch has been written by Aditya and seems to work OK,
%D however it would be more clean to have this functionality in the core.
%D Redefining low-level macros might be a bit dangerous, esp. since
%D they tend to change over time.
%D TODO: remind Hans to implement it in core ;)
%D       and remove this patch from the module



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