Le 17 avril à 13:17:44 Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> écrit notamment:

| Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:
| > Hi all, 
| > Here is minimal example of some trouble I have:
| > 
| > ...................................
| > \startMPinclusions
| >  numeric u; u=1cm;
| > \stopMPinclusions
| > \starttext
| > \startuseMPgraphic{dummy}
| > drawarrow (0,0)..(8u,0);
| > label.bot(\sometxt{temps}, (7u,-.5u));
| > \stopuseMPgraphic
| > \placefigure[fig:Uncontratdanslaflèchedutemps]{Un contrat dans la flèche du 
| > 
| > 
| > \startuseMPgraphic{ummy}
| >   pair A[];
| >   A[0]:=(-1u, -1u);
| >   A[1]:=( 6u, -1u);
| >   A[2]:=( 6u,  4u);
| >   A[3]:=(-1u,  4u);
| >   draw A[0]--A[1]--A[2]--A[3]--cycle withpen pencircle scaled 1pt;
| > label.bot(\sometxt{Dupont}, A[0]);
| > label.top(\sometxt{Smith}, A[2]);
| > \stopuseMPgraphic
| > \placefigure[fig:Boîte d'Edgeworth]{Boîte d'Edgeworth}{\useMPgraphic{ummy}}
| > \stoptext
| > .................................
| > 
| > The trouble is that this compiles nicely with pdftex, a little less nicely
| > with xetex, and badly with luatex, tested at home and on context live.
| > 
| > - xetex: the label in the first graphic appears with bad size.
| > 
| > - luatex: first label in the second graphic appears with bad size and font,
| > and second label disappears; but if I comment out the label in the first
| > graphic, the second graphic is as expected.
| > 
| > Any idea?
| at the end of mp-mlib.mp add
| def resettextexts =
|      _tt_n_ := 0 ;
| enddef ;
| extra_endfig   := extra_endfig   & "resettextexts ; " ;
| then run
| ctxtools --touch
| context --make (or texexec --make --luatex)

Done! But same result :-(

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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