Hi Hans and Taco,

The latest beta solves the problems metioned by Thomas Schmitz and  
myself concerning \uniqueMPgraphic: many thanks for your attention.

However, I observed the following regarding \processMPbuffer: some  
grahpics don't show up when tyepset with mkiv, while they are fine  
with mkii.
(This with  mkiv, LuaTeX revision 2, (LuaTeX date stamp 2008102016),  
ConTeXt version 2008.10.23 17:32).

(For the Chief of Rumour Control: it is not crucial to address the  
reported bug urgently…).

Best regards: OK
%% begin bug-processMPbuffer.tex


textextoffset := ExHeight ;
numeric u ; u := .5cm ;
vardef arrowheadonpath (expr p, s) =
save autoarrows ; boolean autoarrows ; autoarrows := true ;
set_ahlength(scaled ahfactor) ; %
arrowhead p if s<1 : cutafter (point (s*arclength(p)+.5ahlength) on p)  
enddef ;

path xox ; xox := (-u,0)--(8u,0) ;
path yoy ; yoy := (0,-u)--(0,7u) ;

draw xox withcolor blue ;
draw yoy withcolor blue ;
ahfactor := 4 ; % default is 2.5
fill arrowheadonpath(xox,1) withcolor .625blue ; % try .25
fill arrowheadonpath(yoy,1) withcolor .625blue ; % try .25

textextoffset := ExHeight ;
numeric u ; u := .5cm ;
z1 = (5u,0) ;
z2 = z1 rotated 60 ;
z11 = z1 rotated 15 ;
z12 = z1 rotated 30 ;
z13 = z1 rotated 45 ;
z0 = (2u,0) rotated 30 ;
path gamma ; gamma := (0,0)--(5u,0) ;
draw  gamma withpen pencircle scaled .4mm withcolor .625yellow ;
path gammaR ; gammaR := z1..z11..z12..z13..z2 ;
draw  gammaR withpen pencircle scaled .4mm withcolor .625yellow ;
dotlabel.bot (btex \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \strut $R$ etex, z1) ;
path gammaRR ; gammaRR := z2--(0,0) ;
draw  gammaRR withpen pencircle scaled .4mm withcolor .625yellow ;
dotlabel.top (btex \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \strut $R{\rm e}^{2{\rm i} 
\pi/n}$ etex , z2) ;
dotlabel.rt (btex \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \strut ${\rm e}^{{\rm i}\pi/ 
n}$ etex , z0) ;
label.rt (btex \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \strut $\Gamma_{R}$ etex , z11) ;
fill arrowheadonpath(gamma,.4) withcolor .625yellow ;
fill arrowheadonpath(gammaR,.4) withcolor .625yellow ;
fill arrowheadonpath(gammaRR,.4) withcolor .625yellow ;

This file has been typeset
on \currentdate{}
at \currenttime,
        LuaTeX revision \luatexrevision,
        (LuaTeX date stamp \luatexdatestamp)}
        using the command:
        \type{texexec basic-test.tex}},
ConTeXt version \contextversion.
% LuaTeX version \luatexversion,

This MetaPost graphic is shown with mkiv:
\placefigure[middle][-]{none}{\processMPbuffer[chemin-1]} {}

but not this one
\placefigure[middle][-]{none}{\processMPbuffer[axes-1]} {}

nor this one
\placefigure[middle][-]{none}{\processMPbuffer[axes-1,chemin-1]} {}

%% end of  bug-processMPbuffer.tex
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