2009/1/22 Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com>:
> There are two problems with it:
> - The horizontal line at the top disappears because of the color. Is
> there a way to get it back?

That is only on screen. When printed, it is there.

> - The table is on the right side of the paper. How can I get it
> centered on the page?

With a lot of experimenting, I am a lot further further. See the atached file.

> Also is it possible to let the rows fill the complete page? I mean: if
> there is room for 40 rows, that there are automatically 40 rows.

There is even room for 43 rows. I do need to place them all by hand? I
tried \dorecurse, but that did not work.
Especially when the highlight is changed (now every five rows) this
would be a lot of work.

It is a little strange. The second page is reasonably placed. But the
first page not. Why is the layout of the first page different?

Tips to get the tables better in the middle and use more of the
available space are welcome.

I have a strange problem. When printing the first page, or the second
page, there is no problem. Put when I try to print the complete
document. The printer is busy a long time. At a certain point the
printer is 'ready', but does not have printed the document. Anybody
knows what could be happening?
I am working with openSUSE and a HP Color LaserJet 1600.

I also tried to make the document singlesided. But when I then placed
two tables, they got on different pages instead of beside eachother.
How would I place two tables beside eachother on singlesided paper?

Cecil Westerhof

Attachment: fuel.tex
Description: TeX document

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