
I wonder -- why wait up to 5sec to (re)compile a single page on a Core 2 Duo machine?

Let's look at the end of the log file for my simple, one-page document:

mkiv lua stats : input load time - 0.000 seconds
mkiv lua stats : stored bytecode data - 184 modules, 45 tables, 229 chunks
mkiv lua stats : node list callback tasks - 4 unique tasks, 3 created, 75 calls
mkiv lua stats : cleaned up reserved nodes - 23 nodes, 9 lists of 1410
mkiv lua stats : node memory usage - 20 glue_spec, 2 dir
mkiv lua stats : used backend - pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output)
mkiv lua stats : loaded patterns - en:us:pat:exc:2
mkiv lua stats : startup time - 0.531 seconds (including runtime option file processing)
mkiv lua stats : callbacks - direct: 288, indirect: 3681, total: 3969
mkiv lua stats : loaded fonts - 37 files: lmmono10-regular.otf lmmono12-regular.otf lmmono8-regular.otf lmmono9-regular.otf lmroman10-bold.otf lmroman10-regular.otf lmroman12-bold.otf lmroman12-regular.otf lmroman7-bold.otf lmroman7-regular.otf lmroman9-bold.otf lmroman9-regular.otf lmsans10-regular.otf lmsans12-regular.otf lmsans8-regular.otf lmsans9-regular.otf eufb10.tfm eufb7.tfm eufm10.tfm eufm7.tfm msam10.tfm msam7.tfm msbm10.tfm msbm7.tfm lmex10.tfm lmmi10.tfm lmmi12.tfm lmmi7.tfm lmmi9.tfm lmmib10.tfm lmmib7.tfm lmsy10.tfm lmsy7.tfm lmsy9.tfm minionpro-bold.otf minionpro-it.otf minionpro-regular.otf
mkiv lua stats : fonts load time - 2.750 seconds
mkiv lua stats : result saved in file - garden_in_the_rain.pdf
mkiv lua stats : luatex banner - this is luatex, version beta-0.43.0-2009083017
mkiv lua stats : control sequences - 29475 of 165536
mkiv lua stats : current memory usage - 147 MB (ctx: 151 MB)
mkiv lua stats : runtime - 3.438 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 0.291 pages/second

Startup time is 0.531 seconds. OK. Then, why on the Earth all these lmxxx fonts are loaded, if I use Minion Pro typescript? 2.7sec... Hmmm. Seems like a root of evil. What can I do to get rid of all of them?

My typescript:
\starttypescript [serif] [MinionPro]
\definefontsynonym [Serif][MinionPro-Regular.otf][features=default]
\definefontsynonym [SerifBold][MinionPro-Bold.otf][features=default]
\definefontsynonym [SerifItalic][MinionPro-It.otf][features=default]
\definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic][MinionPro-BoldIt.otf][features=default]

\starttypescript [MinionPro]
\definetypeface [MinionPro][rm][serif][MinionPro][default]


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