On 2-11-2010 6:33, Otared Kavian wrote:
Hi all,

With the latest release (ConTeXt  ver: 2010.11.01 12:14 MKIV), in mkiv the 
following gives a wrong size for \sum and the integral sign \int, and the 
bounds of the integral are wrongly placed:

%%%% begin bug-times.tex


The expansion of $u\in L^2(0,\pi)$ in the base $(\varphi_{k})_{k\geq1}$ is 
defined as
u = \sum_{k\geq1} c_{k}(u) \phi_{k}, \qquad \mbox{where } c_{k}(u) := 
\int_{0}^\pi u(x)\varphi_{k}(x) dx,

%%%% end bug-times.tex

As far as I can say, this didn't happen before, but I cannot say from when this 
is broken. Using
instead of times, does not change the result.
Any idea what is going on?
Thanks in advance for your attention and help.

it also happens with lm, but cambria is ok, so it's related to the virtual font builder .. puzzled


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