Am 13.01.2011 um 07:42 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:

> Am 12.01.2011 um 20:19 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
>>> Hi friends,
>>> I am a bit confused with the use of citation/bibliographies in MkIV.
>>> Maybe someone can help me?
>>> Say, I have a bib-file containing entries like ...
>>> @BOOK{mb:Wassermann1990,
>>> title = {Alternativkommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch},
>>> year = {1990 (Bd. 1), 1986 (Bd. 3)},
>>> editor = {Wassermann, Rudolph},
>>> % address = {Neuwied},
>>> howcited = {\emph{Bearbeiter}, in: Wassermann, AK-StGB},
>>> juratitle = {AK-StGB},
>>> owner = {mascha},
>>> timestamp = {2006.10.02}
>>> }
>>> In the typeset document I need an entry like this:
>>> \emph{Amelung} in Wassermann, Alternativkommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch, 
>>> §\,94, Rn. 4.
>>> In a Latex document I saw the usage like this:
>>> \cite[Amelung][§\,94, Rn. 4]{mb:Wassermann1990}
>>> Who do I do it in ConTeXt MkIV??
>> \cite[extras={, §\,94, Rn. 4}][mb:Wassermann1998]
>> (or \cite[mb:Was...][extras={...}], I do not remember the order)
> I though it should be the first one, too.
> But the citation doesn't work (see example attached).
> Steffen
> -------
> <bib_steffen.pdf><bib_steffen.tex><samplex.bib>___________________________________________________________________________________

does the example work on other machines?!
could someone please check

thank you, steffen
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