Am 15.03.2011 um 17:20 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:

> On 03/15/2011 05:11 PM, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
>> It is really hard to seek for a minimal example if you don't know what could 
>> be the crucial point.
>> Isn't the bug maybe triggered by simple limits that my projects hurts?
>> Like total number of footnotes (about 4000),
>> size of TUC file (3MB),
>> number of lines in TUC file (104184)?
> Footnotes would be my first guess. Number of _pending_ footnotes, maybe?

How do I recognize those?
I can typeset the entire project without TOC. This goes great, 700 pages. And I 
can't see anything abnormal concerning the footnotes.

But what I saw while skimming the log were 756 occurences of
"backend         > references > invalid page reference: 0"

What does that mean?

Maybe you can see anything crucial in the log (below are the last lines of the 
log when running the project successfully, eg without including the TOC)


pages           > flushing realpage 708, userpage 712
todo            > enable notes
todo            > enable notes
system          > end file register_sach at line 79
structures      > end of sectionblock backpart
system          > end file biermann_x.tex at line 83
references      > number of unknown references: 64
mkiv lua stats  > used config file          - 
mkiv lua stats  > used cache path           - 
mkiv lua stats  > input load time           - 0.006 seconds
mkiv lua stats  > stored bytecode data      - 275 modules, 56 tables, 331 chunks
mkiv lua stats  > loaded tex modules        - 5 requested, 4 found 
(*-p-werksatz-dh *-p-werksatz-dh-II *-p-werksatz-note *-subsub), 1 missing 
mkiv lua stats  > cleaned up reserved nodes - 43 nodes, 20 lists of 607
mkiv lua stats  > node memory usage         - 228 disc, 686 glyph, 3902 
attribute, 21 glue_spec, 922 attribute_list
mkiv lua stats  > node list callback tasks  - 6 unique task lists, 6 instances 
(re)created, 136321 calls
mkiv lua stats  > h-node processing time    - 23.988 seconds including kernel
mkiv lua stats  > attribute processing time - 7.372 seconds front- and backend
mkiv lua stats  > used backend              - pdf (backend for directly 
generating pdf output)
mkiv lua stats  > loaded patterns           - de::59 en::2
mkiv lua stats  > language load time        - 0.064 seconds , nofpatterns: 2
mkiv lua stats  > jobdata time              - 0.552 seconds saving, 0.205 
seconds loading
mkiv lua stats  > callbacks                 - 222212 direct, 34457 indirect, 
256669 total
mkiv lua stats  > randomizer                - resumed with value 
mkiv lua stats  > lxml preparation time     - 0.000 seconds, 0 nodes, 16 lpath 
calls, 0 cached calls
mkiv lua stats  > interactive elements      - 7272 references, 4693 destinations
mkiv lua stats  > v-node processing time    - 3.119 seconds 
mkiv lua stats  > result saved in file      - biermann_x.pdf
mkiv lua stats  > loaded fonts              - 37 files: stmary10.afm 
lmmono12-regular.otf lmmono8-regular.otf lmmono9-regular.otf lmroman12-bold.otf 
lmroman12-regular.otf lmroman7-bold.otf lmroman7-regular.otf lmroman9-bold.otf 
lmroman9-regular.otf lmsans12-regular.otf lmsans8-regular.otf 
lmsans9-regular.otf texgyretermes-bold.otf texgyretermes-italic.otf 
texgyretermes-regular.otf eufb10.tfm eufb7.tfm eufm10.tfm eufm7.tfm msam10.tfm 
msam7.tfm msbm10.tfm msbm7.tfm lmex10.tfm lmmi12.tfm lmmi7.tfm lmmi9.tfm 
lmmib10.tfm lmmib7.tfm lmsy10.tfm lmsy7.tfm lmsy9.tfm rm-lmr12.tfm rm-lmr7.tfm 
rm-lmr9.tfm xits-math.otf
mkiv lua stats  > fonts load time           - 0.823 seconds 
mkiv lua stats  > pdf annotations           - 7272 embedded, 7270 unique
mkiv lua stats  > luatex banner             - this is luatex, version 
beta-0.66.0-2011031511 (rev 4090)
mkiv lua stats  > control sequences         - 34412 of 165536
mkiv lua stats  > current memory usage      - 105 MB (ctx: 108 MB)
mkiv lua stats  > runtime                   - 77.316 seconds, 707 processed 
pages, 708 shipped pages, 9.157 pages/second

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