On 28-5-2012 01:27, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 28 May 2012, luigi scarso wrote:

Different, but still wrong

\starttypescript [\s!math] [palatinomath]
\definefontsynonym [PalatinoMath]
\starttypescript [\s!math] [palatinomath] [\s!name]
\definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [PalatinoMath]
\starttypescript [PalatinoTest]
\definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [palatino]
\definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [palatinomath]

\input knuth \par
\int_0^\infty \frac{1}{x} {\rm d} x

In this case \int and \sum are of the same size, so it appears as a
design choice, and more importantly, we can patch the font to change

It's really weird ... in the virtual font builder we have

DisplayOperatorMinHeight  = t . math_operator_size    . text_style

and there has been a good reason for this otherwise it would not be there. For the normal (12pt) size this becomes 1040448 for px as well as tx. Both fonts (when looking at them with \showfont[pxex.tfm] etc have the same shapes.

Concerning the rest of the parameters, only for this case irrelevant differ a bit.

% name px tx

% RadicalRuleThickness  46399   44040   2359
% FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin 139197  132120  7077
% OverbarVerticalGap    139197  132120  7077
% RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap        133103  130744  2359
% UnderbarVerticalGap   139197  132120  7077
% FractionNumeratorGapMin       46399   44040   2359
% OverbarRuleThickness  46399   44040   2359
% StackGapMin   139197  132120  7077
% RadicalVerticalGap    57998.75        55050   2948.75
% StackDisplayStyleGapMin       324793  308280  16513
% AccentBaseHeight      353107.968      353894.4        -786.43200000003
% FractionRuleThickness 46399   44040   2359
% FractionDenominatorGapMin     46399   44040   2359
% OverbarExtraAscender  46399   44040   2359
% SubSuperscriptGapMin  185596  176160  9436
% MinConnectorOverlap   11599.75        11010   589.75
% FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin   139197  132120  7077
% UnderbarRuleThickness 46399   44040   2359
% RadicalExtraAscender  46399   44040   2359

So, there is no real reason for px to behave different than tx. However, when we nil DisplayOperatorMinHeight we get the scaled glyph. Okay, we could have threshold issue but even putting some real large math mess after itm it will not bump to the next size shape (there is only one larger size btw) .. puzzling

BTW, what is the status of Pagella Math? Should we default to that
instead of px-fonts?

not yet


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