On 12-6-2012 16:24, Marco wrote:

While you're at it, check \usesubpath as well. I didn't test, but
assume it has the same issue.

uses the same code

As this is quite counterintuitive, I’d like to wikify any known
exceptions somewhere over here:

How about unifying the interface? IMO that would make more sense
then bury the “caveats” somewhere deep in the wiki.

that's currently not feasable for all

What's the reason? Performance of backwards compatibility?

more that we cannot use the regular parser

Personally, I would sacrifice some runtime in favour of a more
uniform interface. That's one of the main ideas that define ConTeXt
and set it apart from other TeX macro packages.

if you have completed the list i can see what can be done otherwise

(runtime is often not the reason esp not for macros that get used only a few times in a run)

Regarding the backwards compatibility, wasn't MkIV the chance to
introduce incompatible changes (changes for improving the user
interface :)?



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