
in the following example it is possible to split a table vertical (between the first and the second column with (\startxcell[distance=5pt] test \stopxcell).

\startxcell[distance=5pt] test \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell
\startxcelltest \stopxcell

But how can I get horizontal spacing between "only" two rows, and not for the whole table?

Thank you,




Helmut Schwertner

28201 Bremen

eMail: helmut.schwertner(at)gmx.de
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