Hi there,

I have a rather general question regarding the options for math fonts in 
ConTeXt. As I understand from reading older posts to this list, there are 
currently efforts for making either pagella math or an updated modern font 
available. I am looking into this for quite some time now, but did not find a 
solution of my liking.

I am currently using  


However, I like the rendering of latex's mathpazo a lot better, since in modern 
design the math font does not match the modern text font. Plain pagella 
currently is no option, since 

(i) fraktur is not supported (see P.S.)
(ii) I am not happy with px math (integrals…)

Another option would to use tex gyre pagella math (which is different from the 
currently available \setupbodyfong[pagella], right?!):


As I understand I'd have to put the tff / otf files into a folder that is 
recognized by ConTeXt (right?!). However, downloading the zip from here:


gives me only the "regular" fonts (i.e. there is no math - or am I missing 

Are there any other options, is there someone listening, who was able to mimic 
mathpazo (I know about math times, but there's money envolved, which I'd rather 
like to not spend) and could provide me with a solution or are there other 
options, which I have overseen? I have had a look at the descriptions about 
handling fonts in the manual(s), but I did not really get into it. 

I'd have to come up with a solution of my liking in a couple of months 

Your help is very much appreciated. 

Sorry for bringing this up, especially since it is a stupid discussion about 
taste, but I spend too much time on this and am quite sure that someone out 
there must have a solution to these problems or at least point me into the 
right direction...


%%%%%%%% START EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%

{\frak F}

%%%%%%%% STOP EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%

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maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
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