On 2014-02-08 Jan Tosovsky wrote:
> I'd like to use a divider between certain paragraphs. As I want to keep
> all the lines on the grid so it should have a height = N x line height.
> As \hl renders the line on baseline, I have to tweak the space
> before/after using the 'blank' command to keep the horizontal line 
> in the +/- middle:
> \setuplayout[grid=yes]
> \showgrid
> \showlayoutcomponents
> \starttext
> \input{ward}
> \blank[4mm]\middlealigned{\hl[4]}\blank[6mm]
> \input{ward}
> \stoptext
> But this solution requires adjustments for different fonts or font
> sizes...
> Is there a more efficient way how to accomplish this?

Additionally, I'd like to keep that divider with the previous content

In this case AFAIK \testpage[n] cannot be used directly in the divider
definition as it breaks the page at position of this command.

I'd like to express rather: If there is no space for three lines, break the
page, but grab few previous lines (at least 2) together with me (according
to orphan/widow settings).

The current behaviour can be demonstrated using this example:

    \setpenalties\clubpenalties {2}{10000}

\setuplayout[grid=yes, setups=mypenalties]

\blank[force, 30*line]

In my case the divider is used also to emphasise Chapter ends - so it is
very often the last element one the page and there is no need to check also
the space which follows (whether next lines will fit or not). So
'keep-with-previous' is enough for me.


If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
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