On 02/25/2014 11:13 AM, Birke, Gabriel wrote:

I'd like to write a Lua function that processes the href attribute from a
HTML file and outputs different content depending on the URL.
However, I don't know how to convert the XML attribute and the contents of
the link tag to a string value for the Lua function. I've tried the
following, which does not work but makes my intention clearer:

\startxmlsetups xml:a
     \directlua{getlinkcode("\\xmlatt{#1}{href}", "\\xmlflush{#1}")}

It's probably calls to lxml.att and lxml.flush instead of the strings, but
how do I convert the "#1" ?

Kind regards,


Have you seen http://wiki.contextgarden.net/XML_Lua ? In lua, you get the attribute with xml.attribute(t, "/", "name", "default value"), and can then use it for tests or typeset it. If you want to know more, you will need to provide a real example instead of a code snippet.



Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Schmitz
Geschäftsführender Direktor
Institut für Klassische und Romanische Philologie
Universität Bonn
Am Hof 1e
53113 Bonn
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