With the latest beta (2014.03.27), my bibliography example below now
works fine.  Thank you for fixing that.  Now I shall run the whole book
mss through the same beta.


Sanjoy Mahajan <san...@mit.edu> writes:

> Here's the example:
> ======================== test10.tex ===============
> \usemodule[bib]
> \setupbibtex[database=testrefs, sort=author]
> \setuppublications[alternative=num, sorttype=bbl]
> \starttext
> Hi \cite[Abelson:1996]
> \blank
> \placepublications[criterium=text]
> \stoptext
> ======================== test10.tex ===============
> and the bib file
> ============== testrefs.bib ================
> @Book{Abelson:1996,
>   author =     {Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman},
>   title =      {Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs},
>   publisher =          {MIT Press},
>   year =       1996,
>   edition =    {2nd}}
> ============== testrefs.bib ================
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