On 9/19/2014 9:30 AM, Christoph Reller wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > \installcommandhandler nicely provides (among others) \define<name> and
> > \setup<name> commands. Thus it is easy to provide a key with
> > \setup<name>[key=value] and to read the value of such a key with
> > \<name>parameter{key}.
> >
> > My question is: How do I read the value of a key defined with
> > \setup...[key=value] on the lua side? If I use
> >    context.<name>parameter("key")
> > then the value of key is printed directly. I want to be able to read
> > that value and use it in lua with something like
> >    myvariable = context.?whatfunction?("key")
> >
> > Here is some example code:
> >
> > \unprotect
> >
> > \startluacode
> >    function myfun(parameters,content)
> >      context("From lua: Parameters: ")
> >      context(parameters)
> >      context.elemparameter("gkey") -- directly prints the parameter
> >      context.par()
> >    end
> > \stopluacode
> >
> > \installnamespace{elem}
> > \installcommandhandler \????elem {elem} \????elem
> > \appendtoks
> >    \setuevalue{\currentelem}{\elem_cmd{\currentelem}}%
> > \to \everydefineelem
> >
> > \unexpanded\def\elem_cmd#environment{%
> >    \edef\currentelem{#environment}%
> >    \dosingleempty\elem_cmd_parameters}
> >
> > \def\elem_cmd_parameters[#parameters]#content{%
> >    \setupcurrentelem[#parameters]
> >    From \TeX\: Parameters: key=\elemparameter{key},
> > gkey=\elemparameter{gkey}\par
> >
> >
> > }
> >
> > \defineelem[base]
> > \setupelem[gkey=gval]
> >
> > \protect
> >
> > \starttext
> >
> > \base[key=val]{Hello}
> >
> > \stoptext
> >
> > Thank you for any feedback,

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
> something like this ... keep in mind that there is no grouping in lua
> % macros=mkvi
> \unprotect
> \installnamespace{elem}
> \installcommandhandler \????elem {elem} \????elem
> \startluacode
>      userdata.elem = { data = { [""] = { } } }
>      function userdata.elem.define(namespace,parent)
>          print("define",namespace,parent)
>          userdata.elem.data[namespace] = { }
>          if namespace ~= parent then
>          end
>      end
>      function userdata.elem.setup(namespace,key,gkey)
>          print("setup",namespace,key,gkey)
>          userdata.elem.data[namespace].key = key
>          userdata.elem.data[namespace].gkey = gkey
>      end
>      function userdata.myfun(namespace,one,two)
>          context.par()
>          context("elem: one=%s",userdata.elem.data[namespace][one])
>          context.par()
>          context("elem: two=%s",userdata.elem.data[namespace][two])
>          context.par()
>      end
> \stopluacode
> \appendtoks
>      \setuevalue{\currentelem}{\elem_cmd{\currentelem}}%
>      \ctxlua{userdata.elem.define("\currentelem","\currentelemparent")}%
> \to \everydefineelem
> \appendtoks
> \to \everysetupelem
> \unexpanded\def\elem_cmd#environment%
>    {\edef\currentelem{#environment}%
>     \dosingleempty\elem_cmd_parameters}
> \def\elem_cmd_parameters[#parameters]#content%
>    {\setupelem[\currentelem][#parameters]
>     From \TeX\: Parameters: key=\elemparameter{key},
> gkey=\elemparameter{gkey}\par
>     \ctxlua{userdata.myfun("\currentelem","key","gkey")}}
> \defineelem[base]
> \setupelem[gkey=gval]
> \protect
> \starttext
> \base[key=val]{Hello}
> \stoptext
> A simpler alternative is:
> % macros=mkvi
> \unprotect
> \installnamespace{elem}
> \installcommandhandler \????elem {elem} \????elem
> \startluacode
>      userdata.elem = { data = {  } }
>      function userdata.elem.sync(key,gkey)
>          userdata.elem.data.key = key
>          userdata.elem.data.gkey = gkey
>      end
>      function userdata.myfun(one,two)
>          context.par()
>          context("elem: one=%s",userdata.elem.data[one])
>          context.par()
>          context("elem: two=%s",userdata.elem.data[two])
>          context.par()
>      end
> \stopluacode
> \appendtoks
>      \setuevalue{\currentelem}{\elem_cmd{\currentelem}}%
> \to \everydefineelem
> \unexpanded\def\elem_cmd#environment%
>    {\edef\currentelem{#environment}%
>     \dosingleempty\elem_cmd_parameters}
> \unexpanded\def\elem_sync
> \def\elem_cmd_parameters[#parameters]#content%
>    {\setupcurrentelem[#parameters]
>     \elem_sync
>     From \TeX\: Parameters: key=\elemparameter{key},
> gkey=\elemparameter{gkey}\par
>     \ctxlua{userdata.myfun("key","gkey")}}
> \defineelem[base]
> \setupelem[gkey=gval]
> \protect
> \starttext
> \base[key=val]{Hello}
> \stoptext

Thank you Hans!

Two general questions arise (if your permit):

1. Where are the key-value pairs stored?
In your first solution you handle the key setting by explicitly calling lua
on every \setup<name> call.  It seems that all key-value pairs (that are
set with \installcommandhandler-generated \setup<name>) are stored on the
TeX side and not on the lua side.  Is this correct?

2. Calling \ctxlua from lua.
I was tempted to add another level of indirection to your second (the
"synchronize") solution.  I.e: in the lua code (in a separate lua file to
avoid the do ... end introduced by \startluacode ... \stopluacode) I have:

n = ""
v = ""
function getkey(name,value)
   n = name
   v = value
function myfun(parameters,content)
   context(" name=")
   context(", value=")

The above does not work because the value obtained "lags behind", i.e.
initially v will be "", on the second call v will have the value of the
first \setupelem[gkey=gval], and so on.  I guess this lag is due to the way
TeX and lua communicate to each other?

A small question: What do you mean by "there is no grouping in lua"?

Thank you anyway for your valuable input.

Regards, Christoph
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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