Hello All,

First, let me say that the semantics of Book-making can be confusing as
certain terms are used differently by different professionals.
What has made it worse these terms have been convoluted by the
computational adaptation of Book-making.

A book generally has three divisions frontmatter, backmatter, and "main" 
These are made up of "parts".  What belongs in these divisions are dependent on 
your field,
tradition, and publishers style! 

Basically, Alan is on the mark.

Second, Michal TeX and ConTeXt has a section leveling. That is part is the 
highest level. and chapters are always
part of a part. So, you want the effect you need, you should either enclose the 
Prologue and
Epilogue in the frontmatter and backmatter parts respectively, (See MWE below) 
or wrap them in a part environment.

BUT, Michal I believe has a point. Or should I say has come across a FLAW, 
according to my view of things.
ConTeXt should warn that once you use a chapter the part command should not be 
mixed. That is if one uses parts
that Chapters must be embedded a Part! 

I adjusted Michals MWE and we get basically, what he expects, that is Prologue 
and Epilogue on the same
level. But, without it surrounding part the Epilogue is set at an level that is 
under "Part A"-level the Epilogue.
This would mean that the \stoppart for "Part A" or my inserted "Part B" is not 
being recognize and the
"sectioning Counter" being adjusted properly! Or an error should be flagged! 
Yes, there are easy work arounds!

This FLAW is intrinsic to the intelligence of ConTeXt. Most of us would be 
using front- and backmatter, sectioning commands,
numbering schemes and thereby avoiding it. But, ConTeXt should warn of the 
false behaviour.

Below I have a MWE to show the FLAW.



 %\startfrontmatter  % uncomment line to show what you would expect

\input knuth

%\stopfrontmatter % uncomment line to show what you would expect

\startpart[title={Part A}]
 \input knuth

% FLAW: sectioned under Part A should expect sectioning  level 1
% or throw error that part needed here!
\startchapter[title={not at top level}]  
\input knuth

\startpart[title={Part B}]
 \input knuth

% \startbackmatter  % uncomment line to show what you would expect

% FLAW:  sectioned under Part B should expect sectioning  level 1
% or throw error that part needed here!
\input knuth

%\stopbackmatter % uncomment line to show what you would expect


If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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