On Tue, 17 Mar 2015 15:04:32 -0600, Wolfgang Schuster <schuster.wolfg...@gmail.com> wrote:

Am 17.03.2015 um 21:30 schrieb Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد

% Do not indent the first line of a block quote
\setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][before={\blank[medium] \setupindenting[no]},after={\blank[medium]}]


Duly noted, thanks!

From what I understand, if [indentnext=auto] is activated then a blank line after the environment should activate indenting; no blank line after the environment should impede indenting.

In this example, we get no indentation either way. Am I missing something, or is it a bug?

It’s bug in the delimited text mechanism (typo-del.mkvi), a \aftergroup is missing before \dorechecknextindentation.

   \carryoverpar\endgroup % new per 2013-01-21 ... please left floats
   \ifx\p_delimited_spaceafter\empty \else
-  \dorechecknextindentation}% AM: This was missing!
+  \aftergroup\dorechecknextindentation}% AM: This was missing!

Wow, so a bug indeed... I hope Hans is reading this -)

By the way, something like


\input ward

would be a nice feature. Any chance?





\input ward

\input ward

\input ward


Wonderful, this is so much better than an explicit \noindentation. I really need to spend some time to learn the power of setups! Thanks a million, Wolfgang, and

Best wishes
Idris Samawi Hamid
Professor of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
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