Wolfgang Schuster <schuster.wolfg...@gmail.com> writes:

>> Am 28.05.2015 um 11:37 schrieb Sandra Snan <sandra.s...@idiomdrottning.org>:
>>> what happens if you put file: before a name?
>> \definefontfamily[futura][sans][file:futuralt]
> Don’t use the “file:” prefix in the third argument.

I don't understand this exchange.

>> \setuppapersize[A4, portrait][A4, portrait]
> There is no “portrait” keyword for the \setuppapersize and you can also drop 
> this line because ConTeXt uses A4 as default paper size.

I was working from a template for A7 landscape that's why this was still
in there.

But a lot of the other stuff is just cargo-culted cruft and voodoo that
has accumulated over the years of only rarely making new templates.
Thank you for helping me clear it out.

Here is the file now:

% interface output=luatex
\mainlanguage [sv]
\definefontfamily[futura][sans][Futura LT]
\definefontfamily [praise][serif][junicode]

% Still no luck with the Futura.
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