Pablo Rodriguez <>
9. Juli 2015 18:32
Dear list,

this is a bit weird, because the vast majority of the list members are
way forward in the path of ConTeXt knowledge than myself.

But just in case you were interested, I created an environment to
typeset XHTML generated by pandoc with ConTeXt MkIV.

Here you have the websites:

Just a few comments on your code.

1. When you use \vfill at the begin of a makeup environment you don’t need \mbox and a ConTeXt user would use \dontleavehmode instead of \mbox.

2. To create a language dependant header for the TOC etc. you can use the \headtext command, e.g.


3. Be careful when you use _ in command names, e.g. \TOC_Title because it your case you created the command \TOC followed by the string “_Title”.

4. Better use \crlf to force a line break for the <br/> tag because \\ can produce different results depending in the environment.

5. Use \define[2]\... or \unexpanded\def\... to create your \href command.

6. ConTeXt already has a \url command.

7. Your \url command has two font changes (\tt and \hw) and one should be removed.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : /
webpage  : /
archive  :
wiki     :

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