On 4/9/2016 11:47 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 04/09/2016 10:11 PM, Lukáš Procházka wrote:

is there a way to tell ConTeXt to generate a .pdf named othe
instead of the name derived from file to be compiled?

Hi Lukáš,

this wuld be the way to do it:

    context source.tex --result=output

I’m not sure it may work with Adobe, since it compiles source.pdf and
then it moves to output.pdf

BTW, ---auto may achieve what you intend. I have never used it.

there is code actually that will close the acrobat document but that api is different per version of acrobat and even between reader and professional so when again that happened i gave up on acrobat as previewer and switched to sumatrapdf


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