== Announcement ==

The ConTeXt Group and Pragma ADE are looking forward to welcoming you at the 

11th International ConTeXt Meeting

that will take place on September 11–17, 2017 in Maibach, Germany. 

== Meeting logo ==

The traditional drawing from Duane Bibby is finished! You can see a scaled-
down version of the final result on the meeting website:


== Excursion ==

An excursion day in Mainz is planned for Friday the 15th, including a guided 
and workshop at the Gutenberg Museum.

== Registration discounts ==

Besides general sponsorship, DANTE e.V. also offer an extra discount for any 
Dante members that will attend our meeting. And that is on top of the discount
we offer to our ConTeXt Group members, so we managed to keep the conference
fees quite low.

The deadline for early-bird discount is July 11, only six days from now!

== Registration ==

The meeting will host ConTeXt and LuaTeX developers and users and gives 
you the opportunity to present your results, experiences and ideas on future
development. The presentations will be accompanied by tutorials on different 
ConTeXt and LuaTeX techniques.

Registration is now open.  Direct link to the registration form:


This year’s meeting is sponsored by DANTE e.V., the German TeX User Group. 

== Call for submissions ==

We always set a theme for the meeting, and the theme for this meeting is:

ConTeXt Gardening

If you want to do an on-topic talk submission, there are plenty angles
to take at the theme: Seeding, weeding, fertilising, growing, harvesting,
just to name a few.

But anything at all related to ConTeXt that you would like to share is an 
acceptable subject for a presentation, tutorial, discussion, Q&A session, 
demonstration, workshop, recital, sketch, or sermon.

The programme committee is Hans Hagen and Taco Hoekwater, feel free to email
them with hints and ideas.

== website ==

For the meeting: http://meeting.contextgarden.net
For the Context Group: http://group.contextgarden.net

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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