Mari Voipio schrieb am 01.11.18 um 12:04:

I'm trying to get Font Awesome 5 to work for me, but it only almost does.

Wolfgang's code works and I get a nice list of symbols for all three
variations, so ConTeXt obviously finds the font. But when I try to use
a single symbol, ConTeXt prints the symbol name instead of the symbol.
There must be something I'm overlooking, but I don't know what. Wiki
wasn't very helpful, although we do have an entry on symbols (Font
Awesome, on the other hand, isn't mentioned anywhere on the wiki).

I tried with \symbol[fontawesome-regular][credit-card] (at the end of
my file) and a few variants thereof, but couldn't get the symbol. What
am I doing wrong? What have I missed?

Since you didn’t provide a example it’s difficult to tell what’s wrong for you
but the following example works for me.

Don’t forget to put the files for fontawesome 5 in a folder where ConTeXt can find them.






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