Dear Hans,

Thank you for your new code.

Frankly speaking, it is hard to follow your code right now because of my little 
knowledge about these matter.
I need some time  to understand your code fully, especially lmtx.
I’ll do  more exercises using your code.

Thank you for your concern.

Best regards,


> 2020. 4. 12. 오후 6:44, Hans Hagen <> 작성:
> Hi Dal,
>> Thank you for your nice code.
>> lua.MP.Whatever is something!
> just keep in mind that lua.MP is the user namespace and (lowercase) 
> the system one
> btw, as you're doing math in mp, in lmtx (which has some extra metafun 
> features) we have some more math functions available:
> m_acos m_acosh m_asin m_asinh m_atan m_atantwo m_atanh m_cbrt m_ceil 
> m_copysign
> m_cos m_cosh m_deg m_erf m_erfc m_exp m_exptwo m_expm m_fabs m_fdim m_floor 
> m_fma
> m_fmax m_fmin m_fmod m_frexp m_gamma m_hypot m_isfinite m_isinf m_isnan
> m_isnormal m_jz m_j m_jn m_ldexp m_lgamma m_log m_logten m_logp m_logtwo 
> m_logb
> m_modf m_nearbyint m_nextafter m_pow m_rad m_remainder m_remquo m_round 
> m_scalbn
> m_sin m_sinh m_sqrt m_tan m_tanh m_tgamma m_trunc m_yz m_y m_yn
> c_sin c_cos c_tan c_sinh c_cosh c_tanh c_asin c_acos c_atan c_asinh c_acosh
> c_atanh c_sqrt c_abs c_arg c_conj c_exp c_log c_proj c_erf c_erfc c_erfcx 
> c_erfi
> c_imag c_real c_neg c_pow c_add c_sub c_mul c_div c_voigt c_voigt_hwhm c_imag
> c_real c_neg
> these are using the functions in the xmath and xcomplex namespaces that are 
> provided in the lmtx lua interfaces
> there's also an xdecimal namespace for using decimal calculations with high 
> precisions but not yet interfaced to the mp end which actually already has 
> decimal anyway
> (if some matrix features are needed at the mp end, as extension to the matrix 
> module, then we can explore that as we have ways to pick up data from mp, 
> process it by lua, and pipe it back, which is also pretty efficient by now - 
> not that mp graphics are much of a bottleneck)
> Here is an example of a crude interfacve if you need indeed hundreds such 
> exercises
> \unexpanded\def\WhateverShape#1#2#3%
>  {$\displaystyle{#1\choose #2} = #3$}
> \startluacode
> local function fact(n)
>    if n <= 0 then
>        return 1
>    else
>        return n * fact(n - 1)
>    end
> end
> local function whatever(n,r)
>    return fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n-r))
> end
> function MP.lmt_WhateverShape(n,r)
>    mp.quoted([[\WhateverShape{%.0f}{%.0f}{%.0f}]],n,r,whatever(n,r))
> end
> -- or in latest lmtx:
> --
> -- function MP.lmt_WhateverShape(n,r)
> --     mp.inject(
> --         string.format(
> --             [[\WhateverShape{%.0f}{%.0f}{%.0f}]],
> --             n,
> --             r,
> --             whatever(n,r)
> --         )
> --     )
> -- end
> \stopluacode
> \startMPextensions
> presetparameters "WhateverShape" [
>    options = "labels",
>    angle   = 30,
>    unit    = 2cm,
>    color   = "black",
> ] ;
> def WhateverShape = applyparameters "WhateverShape" "lmt_WhateverShape" 
> enddef ;
> vardef lmt_WhateverShape =
>    image (
>        pushparameters "WhateverShape" ;
>            save u, a, b, dx, n, r ;
>            save A, B, start, now ; pair A, B, start, now ;
>            u  := getparameter "unit" ;
>            a  := getparameter "angle" ;
>            b  := a + 180 ;
>            A  := u * dir(a) ;
>            B  := u * dir(-b) ;
>            dx := u * 2 * cosd(b) ;
>            draw image (
>                for n = 0 upto 4 :
>                    start := n * A ;
>                    for r = 0 upto n :
>                        now := start + r * right * dx ;
>                        draw (now + A) -- now -- (now + B) ;
>                    endfor ;
>                endfor ;
>            ) withcolor getparameter "color" ;
>            for n = 0 upto 4 :
>                start := n * A ;
>                for r = 0 upto n :
>                    now := start + r * right * dx ;
>                    if hasoption "options" "labels" :
>,r)),now) ;
>                    fi ;
>                endfor;
>            endfor;
>        popparameters ;
>    )
> enddef ;
> \stopMPextensions
> \starttext
> \startMPcode
>    draw WhateverShape [
>        angle = 30,
>        unit  = 1.8cm,
>        color = "darkgreen",
>    ] ;
> \stopMPcode
> \startMPcode
>    draw WhateverShape [
>        options = "",
>        angle   = 40,
>        color   = "darkred",
>        unit    = 4*BodyFontSize,
>    ] ;
> \stopMPcode
> \stopMPcode
> (parameters can be strings, numerics, booleans, pairs, paths, tables, etc)
> Hans
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
>              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
>       tel: 038 477 53 69 | |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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