On 7/15/2021 6:22 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 7/14/2021 4:43 PM, Gavin wrote:
Hello ConTeXters,

I’d like to use the mp-geo Metapost package with ConTeXt to draw simple
globes viewed from various directions. The package is here:


It looks like the last update was 2008 and I don’t read French, so I though
my chances of getting anything to work were pretty small. However, I was
pleasantly surprised that this MWE found the mp-geo package, the necessary
Metapost files in the ConTeXt installation, and the data files.

input mp-geo;

While all of the files were found, it did not produce a globe. Instead I got
an error complaining about an invalid character in the data files. This error
is repeated for about 20 files (a small fraction of the total). I put the
first error and its data file below. All the others are identical with
different .dat files.

Maybe it’s just an encoding mismatch or a hidden character I can easily
delete or replace. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't even be attempting
this? 2008 is a long time ago in ConTeXt time. Feel free to tell me this
project is crazy, but if you have an idea how I can make this work, I’d really
appreciate it! It looks like a fun package.
Looks interesting (I didn't know about it, also the surface stuff).
Anyway, the message relates to scantokens not liking what gets read from
a file, quite probably a missing file (I'll make it return a different
message but still one needs to be aware of the fact that fiel reading in
mp is kind of weird so it really expects a file).

Actually the data files are fairly simple:

<list of coordinates>

So, it would be much simpler to read and parse it via lua rather than scantokens. Rest of 
the code simply determines a "view" of what to show. So, it can be a good 
exercise in lua-MP interface.

I was wondering about that too. I admit that I looked into maps years ago but never could find quality data files.


    function mp.maptopath(filename)
        local t = { cycle = true }
for x, y in string.gmatch(io.loaddata(filename),"%(([%+%-%d]+),([%+%-%d]+)%)") do
            t[#t+1] = { tonumber(x), tonumber(y) }

    draw lua.mp.maptopath("slovenia.dat") ;

    draw lua.mp.maptopath("usa1.dat") rotated 90 ;

    draw lua.mp.maptopath("usa2.dat") ;


way to low quality ... we also want multiple shapes i guess .. i wonder if someone knows where to get good free data

(projections are more your turf)


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
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