can you please share the code with me (you can send me a private email if you 
want) so I can see myself how you used PF_RING and if we need to change 
something in libpcap-over-PF_RING ?

Thanks Luca

On Jul 29, 2011, at 3:11 AM, Sally Bird wrote:

> As part of a research project, we've constructed a userspace TCP/IP stack 
> that uses libpcap to send packets to and receive packets from the network.  
> Given the performance limitations of libpcap, we're interested in using 
> PF_RING.  To this end, I've installed the PF_RING enhanced version of 
> libpcap.  However, much to my surprise, instead of observing better 
> performance, our throughput dropped by more than a factor of 30 (from 
> approximately 650 Mbps on a 1 Gbps link to approximately 17 Mbps).  
> Can anyone suggest where to start looking to try to figure out what's going 
> wrong?
> =s=
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