I've just tested the latest stable 3.0 version and it does not show that error, so please update ntopng and retry.


On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Umut Arus <um...@sabanciuniv.edu> wrote:
ntopng --version is:
v.3.0.170619 [Enterprise/Professional Edition]


On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Emanuele Faranda <fara...@ntop.org> wrote:
Hi Umut,

Currently ntopng only shows information about active hosts. After setting up the --local-networks parameter (-m) you can extend the "Local Host Idle Timeout" from the settings for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Another option is to enable the sticky hosts with the --sticky-hosts=local to never remove the local hosts from memory. Note that this will be unfeasable in a large network and that this option will likely be removed soon in the dev version of ntopng in favour of other ways to bring the expired hosts back to memory.

About the http lint error, what ntopng version are you using (ntopng -v) ?


On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 3:04 PM, Umut Arus <um...@sabanciuniv.edu> wrote:

I'd like to make analysis of an IP's connection but I get the below warning. How can get the historical information of an not connected computer.

Host cannot be found. Very likely it is expired and ntopng has purged it from memory. You can set purge idle timeout settings from the Preferences.

When I try to set it I get the below error on Expert view.
Script "/usr/share/ntopng/scripts/lua/admin/prefs.lua" returned an error: /usr/share/ntopng/scripts/lua/modules/http_lint.lua :993: [L INT] _POST["show_advanced_prefs"] = "truet" parameter error: Validation error

Umut Arus
Information Technology

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