January 31, 2012
Dear Parent/Guardian,

I believe in recognizing the significant things happening around us every day 
and celebrating
excellence throughout our schools and departments.
Each year, our Board hosts the Excellence Awards - the premier staff 
achievement award at the
TDSB. Last year I was amazed and inspired by the 17 winners, who demonstrated 
excellence in
supporting our students. This year I hope to see even more nominations 
This year, the Excellence Awards will recognize those individuals or groups who 
have best
advanced the five Strategic Directions of the TDSB, namely:

1. Make every school an effective school;
2. Build leadership within a culture of adaptability, openness, and resilience;
3. Form strong and effective relationships and partnerships;
4. Build environmentally sustainable schools that inspire teaching and 
learning; and
5. Identify disadvantage and intervene effectively.

I encourage you, as a parent or guardian of a student in our system, to 
consider nominating an
individual or group of staff who has created a program, project, partnership or 
event that realizes
one or more of the Strategic Directions. We want to hear from you!
Download a nomination form and selection criteria and view profiles of last 
year's winners
now at www.tdsb.on.ca/excellence. The deadline for applications is March 2.
I'm looking forward to highlighting incredible achievements from across the 
Board and
celebrating with everyone at the Excellence Awards Celebration on May 10 Earl 
Haig SS.

Chris Spence
Director of Education

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