Dear Parents & Guardians,

I hope your child is progressing well through examinations. Please remember the 
following very important dates:

Monday, June 24th: Students can (and should) review their exam results with 
subject teachers 8:45-9:45 a.m.

Tuesday, June 25th: Students can (and should) review their final marks (from 
1-1:30 p.m.) with home form teachers. If needed, summer school registration 
will occur from 1:30-2:30 p.m. This date is very important, as marks cannot be 
changed after this. Please urge your child to attend and if there are issues 
with grades, to speak to their teachers or to the Guidance department.

Friday, June 28th: Report cards will be mailed home. Please review the envelope 
materials carefully as in addition to the report card, information for 
timetable pickup, student activity fee payment & photos as well as opening week 
schedules will be included.


Please ensure that all textbooks, athletic uniforms, library books and music 
instruments are returned to the school by the end of June. Please check with 
your child if they have an outstanding uniform , library book etc. We thank you 
for your assistance in this matter.


Joel Gorenkoff
North Toronto CI

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