Ref. the boot to media, he tells me they have tried that a few times with no
luck, blue screens. If all the restores haven't worked so far, how has the
server been running this long without someone seeing something. Wait, that
assumes someone was actually looking at the event logs. Never mind.

The backup they are using is Dell AppAssure. No idea on version, updates or
how it is setup. It should be able to do a restore but so far they haven't
had any luck.

I'm sure there is more information that hasn't been provided that would add
clarity to what happened to set this fiasco off. Hopefully I'll be able to
get to the beginning tomorrow and have a clearer picture of what happened
and what he did in trying to fix it. My bet is that there wasn't just one
thing that went wrong.

And thanks for the other contacts. I remembered thirdtier offer a service
but the other is new to me. I'll see what he thinks when I get a hold of

Art DeKneef
Avanti Computers
Mesa, AZ
480-649-4430 Office
480-529-4430 Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Susan Bradley
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [NTSysADM] Rebuilding/restoring a SBS 2011 server check

Boot from 2008r2/sbs 2011 media.
Go into restore
browse to location of backup
restore to server

I'm still not getting how he can have a decent backup on an iso and not have
a decent backup for a full recovery.

You have a decent backup or you don't.

What exactly did they use to back this server up?  As an 'iso' isn't a
normal default SBS/Windows backup file format?

Susan Bradley
Still migrating the blogs but we're getting closer. is the new url and redirects are in place Have I
mentioned how much migrations are REALLY painful?

On 8/29/2014 1:17 PM, Susan Bradley wrote:
> Before you blow your weekend let me give you two resources:
> Two third party SBS/SMB geared support folks that know SBS better than 
> Microsoft knows SBS.
> Unless a backup is totally toast, I would give them a shot first.
> "some colo"... translates to me to be a not well maintained server 
> that has no backup (in my personal experences with colos and SBS 2011 
> which isn't/wasn't built to be hosted in the first place)
> Susan Bradley
> Still migrating the blogs but we're getting closer.
> is the new url and redirects are in place 
> Have I mentioned how much migrations are REALLY painful?
> On 8/29/2014 1:11 PM, Art DeKneef wrote:
>> They have gone back to Aug. 1st trying to restore from. So far no 
>> luck. I haven't been onsite yet to at least look at the current setup 
>> so I have been asking a lot of questions. My mistake here for not 
>> specifically asking where everything is. There are two sites where 
>> the users are split and the server is located in some colo nearby. 
>> This just gets more interesting.
>> Yes my Labor Day weekend starts at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning. Well he 
>> did tell me to bring a coat with. Seems the colo is really cold. 
>> Which will feel strange compared to the 108 degrees they are 
>> forecasting for tomorrow.
>> Art DeKneef
>> Avanti Computers
>> Mesa, AZ
>> 480-649-4430 Office
>> 480-529-4430 Mobile
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> []
>> On Behalf Of Susan Bradley
>> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 12:00 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [NTSysADM] Rebuilding/restoring a SBS 2011 server check
>> Yes, Dell does this. One big hunking C drive.
>> He seriously has no good backup to restore the server to?
>> As you are disjoining/rejoining and having a really fun labor day 
>> weekend.
>> Susan Bradley
>> Still migrating the blogs but we're getting closer.
>> is the new url and redirects are in place 
>> Have I mentioned how much migrations are REALLY painful?
>> On 8/29/2014 11:38 AM, Art DeKneef wrote:
>>> Seems to be my week for strange things falling in my lap to fix.
>>> Guy called me Tuesday about a downed SBS 2011 server. He was working 
>>> with Microsoft for the past couple of days trying to recover the 
>>> server/store from corruption. The original IT guy couldn't/wouldn't 
>>> help him. Tuesday it had been down a week. No email, Internet, 
>>> server access. I had him backup everyone's Outlook to a PST file 
>>> just in case. Told him to turn DNS/DHCP on the router/firewall so 
>>> they had Internet access. Have a Spam box of some kind filtering 
>>> email. Users can now access it via a web client to check stored 
>>> email. Basic stuff so they could function a little.
>>> Called this morning and seems the server was hosed really bad.
>>> Microsoft couldn't recover the server/store so he is going to 
>>> reinstall the software and start from rebuilding the domain. Of 
>>> course he is hoping to not have to recreate 50 users, the shares, 
>>> permissions as much as possible. Somehow I feel there isn't any good 
>>> recent documentation around.
>>> He thinks he has a clean backup in an ISO format he can mount. It 
>>> seems this ISO has the server as everything on C: drive. I asked 
>>> about the server and it is a Dell server, unknown model, with 3 
>>> drives in a RAID 5 configuration. Everything installed on the C: 
>>> drive. Who does that?
>>> The plan is for him to reinstall the software and then apply all the 
>>> updates. Should be finished later today. Then tomorrow go there and 
>>> help him see if the ISO backup is good and get the shares from the 
>>> registry and import them to the new install. And try to see if I can 
>>> recover the Active Directory from the ISO and restore that to the 
>>> new install. If not then we will be walking around a lot rejoining 
>>> the computers to the new install.
>>> I'm sure I left out a few things but anything obvious I missed?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Art DeKneef
>>> Avanti Computers
>>> Mesa, AZ
>>> 480-649-4430 Office
>>> 480-529-4430 Mobile

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