No, the PAC file points to<>?

I do not publish the name of the proxy ( etc etc) in the 
pac file, not worth the maintenance.

I had originally set up a generic record "" as a CNAME and 
this broke Java when used with SSL sites.

So, when a user browsed any java applets worked. When 
a user browsed any applets would go direct.

So, manually setting the network settings of the Java applet to force a proxy 
always fixed it until I noticed the PAC was using the CNAME. I removed the 
record and replaced it with the same value but as an A record *and* cleared the 
manual network configuration and Java applets no longer tried to go direct.


From: <> on behalf 
of Miller Bonnie L. <>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 10:41 AM
Subject: [NTSysADM] RE: Java and proxy.pac

No SSL, our net admin can't make it work that way.  Just , but there is a cname involved.  Are 
you saying the URL needs the actual server name, even though the record is 
pointing to the same IP?  Yes, it's an SSL site that is having problems, so 
might be related.

I just found oracle docs :

And if I'm reading right, we might have to also configure the pac file here?

We're putting together a test account right now to play with settings & a copy 
of the .pac file.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Joseph L. Casale
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 9:27 AM
Subject: [NTSysADM] Re: Java and proxy.pac

The url is ssl enabled?

I found in my env that I had to manually set the proxy settings for Java 
explicitly until I noticed that the pac file pointed to a dns entry for the 
proxy server pointed to a CNAME, changed that to the technically correct A 
record and all the machines that required manual Java network overrides started 
working with the configuration cleared out.

Without the manual Java network configuration, ssl enabled sties bypassed the 
proxy and attempted to route direct which of course was not available.


<<>> on 
behalf of Miller Bonnie L. 
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 10:16 AM
Subject: [NTSysADM] Java and proxy.pac

After many years, we are FINALLY rolling out a proxy.pac file for our browser 
settings-been testing with smaller groups of users, and has been fine.

So today, we pointed a larger number of users to the file, and now have some 
calls about a specialized Java applet that is having issues.  It's something 
that is part of our Student Information system that prints receipts for various 
items, so used by our Attendance offices and bookkeepers.  After some 
searching, I think it may be that the Java applet is not reading the .pac file, 
but there seems to be some people who say you can make it work by doing x,y,z 
(not much detail) and others who say it simply can't read a .pac file at all.  
We've only tested IE, as apparently this app has never worked right in Chrome 
(which we also have).

So, does anyone have their Java applets successfully using a pac file for proxy 
autoconfig, and if so, what is the trick?  Or, is it a fact that it can't be 
done, and if so, what do you do instead?  Ours is set up using an http url.

Any assistance appreciated-please let me know if more detail is required on 
anything specific, as this is new territory.


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