Place before this was an ad agency, now that was a different world. But for 
some reason the scenario’s local admin creates at a school hit home harder.

Student is local admin on his teachers machine.

The teachers union president is local admin on the Board of Education’s 
machines, the Superintendents machine….the HR director’s machine.  And vice a 

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Melvin Backus
Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 8:45 AM
Subject: RE: [NTSysADM] IT Organization Design

So you’re telling us that you’ve worked in places where that isn’t normal? ☺

I’ve been fighting that problem for…  well, just say too long. ☹  But there is 
actually light at the end of the tunnel.  Just hoping it isn’t a train.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world...
         those who understand binary and those who don't.

[] On Behalf Of Kennedy, Jim
Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 8:23 AM
Subject: RE: [NTSysADM] IT Organization Design

I will never forget my first day here.  Four heart attacks the same day.

1)       Staff were local admin

2)      Staff were local admin on EVERY machine in the district.

3)      Students were local admin

4)      Students were local admin on EVERY machine in the district.

It was rough first year, everyone hated me for a while.  Then one day our 
Treasurer called me quite upset about my policy of taking away admin, he needed 
to install an update to software so he could do payroll. It was a phish, a 
really good one. They hit almost every district in the state the same day, and 
they had it nailed.  They knew which bank each district did their payroll with.

After that they all had my back on anything that needed to be done.

[] On Behalf Of Miller Bonnie L.
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2017 4:58 PM
Subject: RE: [NTSysADM] IT Organization Design

When I was first here many years ago, we did have people all over who were 
administrators on pcs (although students never were-Bonnie

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