I've not changed anything in my PIX configuration. I have been watching the
logs while attempted logins have been made.  I've not gotten a single denial
logged yet.  (I have fairly verbose logging)

I downloaded WS_Ping ProPack, and it can gather limited information, but
since it's on a DMZ, most ports are blocked. The methodology involved is
that all can get to the DMZ, and only initiated connections can be used,
unless I've created a conduit through the PIX.  Which I've done for my PDC,
TCP/UDP on ports 137-139.
I *thought* this was all that was needed.  Thanks for the advice, I'll
continue plugging away.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seth M. Kusiak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 10:52 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Authenticating from a subnet without a BDC.
> >I've allowed traffic from the web servers to the domain 
> controllers for
> authentication purposes. 
> VERY dangerous. I suggest that you move authentication to a 
> database if 
> possible. If you can't, then you may want to add a new domain 
> in the DMZ 
> that will not have a trust to the domain in the inside network. 
> If you can't get hardare for a new domain, then I suggest 
> that you look at 
> your PIX config. Make sure your conduits are setup correctly. 
> Get a copy of 
> WS_Ping ProPack from www.ipswitch.com (or a similer tool) to 
> see if your 
> webservers can connect to the ports on the DC's. See if you 
> can even ping 
> the DC's. 
> hth, 
> ~Seth 
> Jason Gauthier writes: 
> > A recent change in my network has caused some interesting 
> issues, and I
> > wanted to get some advice. 
> > 
> > We've recently added a 3rd interface to our PIX 520 
> firewall. We stuck our
> > web servers on it. (We only have one domain, and kept these 
> part of it) 
> > 
> > I've allowed traffic from the web servers to the domain 
> controllers for
> > authentication purposes.  (There is no BDC on the subnet 
> with the web
> > servers. The other subnets do have BDC's)  
> > 
> > Last week things "appeared" to be working correctly. I 
> could log into the
> > servers (not using a cached profile) and from my "inside" 
> subnet I could
> > browse the machines. (The PIX does some funky things with IP address
> > aliasing on a DMZ like this.) 
> > 
> > Now, I come in monday morning, the machines are no longer getting
> > authentication information from the domain controllers. 
> (This could have
> > occurred last week too, I suppose).  A user changed their 
> password, and no
> > cannot log onto the web server.  I understand the web 
> server broadcasts for
> > a domain controller to pick it up, but I also realize that 
> they know the IP
> > addresses (somewhere) of the other domain controllers. I 
> know this because
> > of the firewalling logging when it was closed off. The 
> machine attempted
> > connections to every one of my domain controllers.   So, it 
> doesn't seem to
> > be authenticating to the domain anymore... 
> > 
> > I entered an entry in the lmhosts file pointing out the 
> domain and PDC, but
> > alas, no go. 
> > 
> > Anything that can be offered, I'd appreciate. One other 
> small tidbit. The
> > web servers are 2000 systems, everything else is NT4. 
> > 
> > Thanks, 
> > 
> > Jason 
> > 
> > http://www.sunbelt-software.com/ntsysadmin_list_charter.htm 
> > 
> http://www.sunbelt-software.com/ntsysadmin_list_charter.htm


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