If you want an extremely nice card, which we use in our development
environment, check out http://www.hauppage.com/.
They work great, and are used by newsrooms in a lot of places for their
video editing, stills, etc.  
It's a much higher quality than ATI, and has better drivers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sullivan, Glenn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 8:36 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Slightly OT: Win2K Video Capture Cards

Can anyone suggest a good video capture card for a Windows 2000 Pro machine,
where the normal everyday user is NOT an admin?  It doesn't need to capture
video, just good quality stills off of a video signal.

Our Materials Lab is purchasing a "video camera" for their stereoscope
(read: microscope) that has a video signal feed, and they would like to be
able to capture high quality stills.

TIA for any help y'all can provide...

Glenn Sullivan, MCSE+I  MCDBA
David Clark Company Inc.



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