I've already decided on an ISP.  I never asked that question.  
(I got a 512k frame for 325.00 a month!  They had a deal, buy 256k,
Get the 2nd 256k free!)  
NuVox Communications.  Ever heard of them?  They say the have 30 locations
around the US in metro areas.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kent Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 1:44 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: IP Justification

.. look for an ISP that does classless routing. I'm sure they'll
   be more than willing to only give you what you need.

--- David James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using around 8 IP's right now, but my ISP is going bye bye at the 
> end of this month.  I'd like to have a block of IP's from the new ISP, 
> just in case
> I need more etc. etc.  What kind of ammunition do you guys use to
> "justify"
> your need for IP's?  We currently have 128, but that's way too many. 
> I can
> take care of everything I need with less than 32 for now, but "you
> never
> know" as far as the future.  Any thoughts or strategies, experiences
> with
> this document?
> DJ
> http://www.sunbelt-software.com/ntsysadmin_list_charter.htm

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