Let's see, the last time I checked the San Jose paper a data center
administrator made 80k and programmers are much more sought after than that.
You may be looking at upper 80's to start depending on your experience; the
softening job market has lowered salaries somewhat, but you should still
fare well if you have the experience.

Just remember, most of what you earn will go for transportation and
housing--a few grand sometimes for an a_part_ment, not to mention a house.
Try this http://www.bayarea.com/

-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Laker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 2:56 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Silicon Valley salary

Once the authorities get around to processing visa applications again, and
once the airports reopen, my employer is planning to move me from its UK
office here in Bracknell to its San Jose office for a couple of years.
Marvellous timing, I know.

Salary negotiations are beginning in earnest.  Most of the Californian job
sites I can find don't mention salaries these days (surprise, surprise).
What does a competent C++ developer earn in Silicon Valley these days?

Thanks and regards,




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