I expecting there are a lot of opinions out there.  Please, if you haven't
experienced the migration from NT Server to Windows 2000 Server, please
don't respond.  What I am looking for is the advice of the guys and gals
who've done the do, so to speak.  I don't mean to sound like a jerk,
please forgive me.

Having said that, my question is simple:  I haven't migrated my NT domain
to Windows 2000 and Active Directory.  I am totally jazzed on Windows
2000, by comparison, so am ready to migrate.  Is there any reason to wait
for .NET server or Windows XP Server, or what-the-heck-ever it is called? 
You folks that have made the migration, what is your take?  Should I go
ahead with my migration, then do the next version when it stabilizes in
the market?

You guys are in the trenches, and I hope will tell what the trade rags
won't.  Or maybe there isn't anything to tell?  Thanks!


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