Has anyone here encountered this error message while using IE?

"The data area passed to a system call is too small. "

It appears when trying to submit a form, infact that's the only time it
appears. If a user hits "submit" or the equivalent on a web page they are
presented with this error message. It doesn't happen on all web sites, some
work most don't. Dell doesn't work 100% on the time when doing a custom
config of a PC and you click "update price". If I load up Netscape (yuck) it
works just fine. Search on TechNet came up empty, hope someone has a fix or

I'm running:
MS Proxy 2.0 SP1
IE 6 & 5.5sp1
NT4 SP6a 

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining & MFG
(309) 266-6551 x12

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