It says specifically in that KB that the issue referred to by that KB doesn't 
occur in Win7! :-P

Note: This issue does not occur in Windows 7. The registry key 
DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle is set to 1 by default.

-----Original Message-----
From: Angus Scott-Fleming [] 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 1:38 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Windows 7 and DHCP puzzler

On 14 Jan 2010 at 19:19, Eisenberg, Wayne  wrote:

> Has anyone noticed any problems with Windows 7 getting an IP address 
> from DHCP? In our pilot testing, we are noticing that a significant 
> portion
> (>30%) of our users are not successfully getting an IP address from 
> the local DHCP server. It happens with wired and/or wireless, across 
> make and model, different antivirus programs. It can happen if the 
> DHCP server is on the same subnet and also if it is on a different 
> subnet (ip helper address configured in the router). No firewalls 
> turned on. Everything was fine for a while, and then some laptop users 
> started having problems getting an address from their home router. 
> Some folks can get an address at home, but have trouble getting it at 
> the office. If you give them a static IP, they can work. That is 
> obviously not a viable solution. We need DHCP to work no matter where 
> they are - just like it works for XP. :) BTW, none of our XP users 
> have any problems at all. This is strictly a Win7 issue. We've tried removing 
> some MS patches among other things, but nothing fixes it across the board. 
> Any ideas?
> Points and ice cream will be awarded to anyone who can come up with an 
> answer. :)

What is your DHCP server?  If it's a non-Microsoft router, then you need to 
disable the DHCP Broadcast flag in Win7, as per this KB:

    Windows Vista cannot obtain an IP address from certain routers or from 
    certain non-Microsoft DHCP servers

Low-carb ice-cream, please ;-)

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona

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