-------Original Message-------
Date: 08/10/05 13:57:46
Subject: Call for the submission of proposals under a Community action programme promoting nongovernmental organisations primarily active in the field of environmental protection - 2005

- Financial Opportunities

Call for the submission of proposals under a Community action programme promoting nongovernmental organisations primarily active in the field of environmental protection - 2005
Programme: Sixth Framework Programme
Financial assistance under this Call for Proposals may be provided for activities, which involve contributing to the development and implementation of Community environmental policy and legislation in different regions of Europe.

The Programme will also contribute to the strengthening of small regional or local associations working to apply the ‘acquis communautaire’ in relation to the environment and sustainable development in their local area.

Support from this Programme will target the priority areas from the Sixth Environment Action Programme (2):

— Limiting climate change,
— Nature and bio-diversity — protecting a unique resource,
— Health and environment,
— Ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources and waste.

In addition to the areas mentioned above, implementation and enforcement of Community environmental legislation and
environmental education will a lso remain of interest.

The Programme will be open to the participation of European NGOs established (legally registered) in either:
- the Member States,
- Bulgaria, Romania,
- Turkey,
- Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia.

The Programme is a co-financing instrument. The rate of overall Community assistance shall not exceed 70 % of the applicant's average audited annual eligible expenses during the preceding two years in the case of NGOs based in the Community, or 80 % in the case of NGOs based in the Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey and the Balkan countries, nor 80 % of the applicant's eligible expenses for the current year.

The amount of a grant will only become final once the audited financial statement of the beneficiary has been accepted by the Commission.
Beneficiaries will be selected on the basis of the criteria set out in the information dossier relating to this Call fo r Proposals and within the limits of the available budget.

Proposals must be submitted by 3 October 2005 the latest.

European Commission
Office: BU-5 06/130
B-1049 Brussels
Fax (00) (32-2) 299 10 68

The information dossier relating to this Call for Proposals which sets out the eligibility, selection and award criteria (including details of the weighting system) and the application, assessment and approval procedure, can be obtained by applying in writing to the following address (preferably by fax):

DG Environment A.1
European Commission
Office: BU-9 0/10
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (32-2) 296 95 60

It may alternatively be downloaded from the Commission website at the following address:

Open Date: August 2nd, 2005
Close Date: October 3rd, 2005
Tender Dossier: Environment-Funding Opportunities
Under programme: Sixth Framework Programme

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