Hi there,
I finally found it. It's for a slightly old copy of Smedge and works on
Windows only.
See how well it works. I had a longer version that copied the file being
rendered to the render location and all sorts of things like that. This is
basic though.
Basically it realies on a little Smedge application for command line
submitting that should be here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Smedge 3\submit
If it's located somewhere else you will need to change that in the script.

Ron Ganbar
email: ron...@gmail.com
tel: +44 (0)7968 007 309 [UK]
     +972 (0)54 255 9765 [Israel]
url: http://ronganbar.wordpress.com/

On 6 May 2011 03:26, Joshua LaCross <nuke-users-re...@thefoundry.co.uk>wrote:

>  Thanks Ron! I'm going on vacation for a few weeks so I don't need it
> right away. Thanks again!
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import nuke
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import datetime
import shutil

def sendToSmedge():

	scriptpath = nuke.root().name()
	if scriptpath == '' or scriptpath == 'Root' or nuke.Root().modified() == True:
		nuke.message('You have to save your script first')
		plat = platform.architecture()
		shotname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(scriptpath))
		smedgesub = '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Smedge 3\submit"'
		start_frame = nuke.root()['first_frame'].value()
		end_frame = nuke.root()['last_frame'].value()
		currentUser = os.getenv('USERNAME')
		currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		userinfo = '__%s__%s' % (currentUser, currentTime.strftime('%y.%m.%d_%H.%M'))
		if scriptpath.find('cmp') != -1:
			type = 'cmp'
			isPipe = True
		elif scriptpath.find('slp') != -1:
			type = 'slp'
			isPipe = True
		elif scriptpath.find('lgc') != -1:
			type = 'lgc'
			isPipe = True
			if platform.system() != 'Darwin':
				subprocess.Popen('%s script -type Nuke -name %s -cpus 0 -pool nuke -scene %s -range %s-%s' % (smedgesub, shotname[0], scriptpath, start_frame, end_frame), shell=True)
				nuke.message('Render sent to Smedge.')
				nuke.message('You are not on a Windows machine. Sending to Smedge only works from Windows machines.')
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Nuke-users@support.thefoundry.co.uk, http://forums.thefoundry.co.uk/

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