Do you have any frameblends in your script? We traced our main 'too many open files' errors to frameblending streams that were also built with multiple exr files. Works fine without the frameblend or with a smaller value. Since the max number of open files is a systems thing, it may be possible your local system has a higher setting than the farm.

not sure why 1 more stream would kick it over the edge to, but if there's a frameblend of say, 100, that's 100*XReadnodes more open files


dcompz wrote:
Does anybody have any idea why merging multiple Read nodes and copying them into a custom channel might cause a Nuke render to fail??

Specifically, I have script where 5 EXR mattes are being merged along with a key and then copied into a custom channel (Ex: matte.blahblah) at the top of the tree. The depth channel in those 5 EXRs is further merged with the depth channel in a 6th EXR and copied into another custom channel(Ex: test.depth). The rest of the script follows after that.

When submitted to the farm, the frames fail fairly quickly with an error for each Read node saying "Could not read image file 'xxxxxxxxx' Too many open files. Reader did not set input channels. Reader did not set bounding box."

The script can be rendered manually on my local machine through Nuke but when running a command line render locally to emulate the behavior of a node on the farm it fails in a similar way.

If I disable any one of the EXRs, the render goes through with no issue. Similarly, if I precomp after the custom channels are copied in or precomp after the EXRs are merged, the render has no errors. I have tried every possible combination I can think of Copies, ShuffleCopies, ChannelMerges, etc. to get the script to render without a precomp but nothing has worked so far.

Why would 4 EXR mattes plus a key piped into a custom matte channel and 5 EXR depth channels piped into a custom depth channel work, while 5 EXR mattes+key and 6 EXR depth channels won't work? Is there some magic number Nuke is expecting here? Does it have something to do with commandline renders?

I am currently at a loss as to what could possibly cause this. Precomping is not the end of the world but it would be an extra step in the pipeline which we'd like to avoid if possible. Even if it is necessary, I'd still like to understand why. I hope somebody can shed some light on this. Thanks!!

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