hi toki,
something like this should work:

[join [lrange [split [file dirname [value
 Read1.file]] "/"] 0 end-4] "/"]


On 8/23/12 at 1:21 AM, (Toki Wartooth) wrote:


I'm trying to split the path at a certain point, meaning that I'd like to
take the path of a read node and chop it off a some point.

So, if I have Read1 =

I'd like to chop it down to //server/share/show/sequence/shotname

I started with something like [file dirname [value Read1.file]] which gets
me to //server/share/show/sequence/shotname/images/2d/comps/v001

and I thought perhaps lindex, or split might be in order, but I'm not
getting what I want.  Any thoughts?

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