I sent the email below to nuke-python yesterday. Since I haven't seen any 
replies, yet, I thought I'd cross-post it here, too…

-- I'd also like to ask another question that's related to the project I'm 
working on:  How do you access the selected/unselected value of views in a 
Write node?  We are using Nuke's multi-view environment to the max and working 
with hundreds of views (not an exaggeration). I have a script written that 
allows me to select/deselect views in the Write node for rendering. It's a 
*lot* easier than trying to bring up a gargantuan list of views and 
select/deselect them, one at a time!  ;^)  LOL   However, I can't seem to find 
anything in the "views" knob that indicates if a view has its box checked. I 
even looked in the script file itself and couldn't see anything, other than the 
view's color, after its name. It's got to be stored *somewhere*, since it's 
remembered when you reload the script!  Anyone have a clue…?



Begin forwarded message:

> From: Richard Bobo <richb...@mac.com>
> Subject: Multi-line scrollable text field
> Date: April 20, 2013 5:51:27 PM EDT
> To: Nuke Python discussion <nuke-pyt...@support.thefoundry.co.uk>
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to create a simple multi-line text info panel with 
> nukescripts.PythonPanel. What I'm looking for would be something like what 
> nuke.Panel has with addMultiLineTextInput. I must be missing something 
> because I can't find the same thing in nukescripts. I'd just like to be able 
> to show a scrollable list of items as information that I can update with a 
> callback…  Any help would be most appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Rich
> Rich Bobo
> Senior VFX Compositor
> Armstrong-White
> http://armstrong-white.com/
> Email:  richb...@mac.com
> Mobile:  (248) 840-2665
> Web:  http://richbobo.com/
> "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back 
> ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one 
> elementary rule - the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid 
> plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves 
> too. Things occur to help that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole 
> stream of events issues from the choice, raising in one's favour all manner 
> of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man 
> could have dreamed would have come his way."
>  - Goethe

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