Pat, to answer your question the workflow with the existing nuke tools
1. breaking the latlong images into six packs with the sphericalTransform
node. Fix in cubic, then reconvert back to latlong.
2.mapping the latlong onto a sphere and then projecting images onto the
sphere to patch and fix images.

Frank Reuter did some videos 4 years ago showing some of these workflows on
making HDR's which is exactly the same as working with VR.  Also he has
some nice stitching with cards videos in there.

On Saturday, June 27, 2015, Pat Wong <
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:

> Any of you Nukers on the forums like to share any tips or experiences for
> Comping in LatLong Space.
>  Its a new exciting arena. One in which i just delving into...Ive just
> seen the google stories specifically 'HELP' with its comped 3d Lizard and
> it looked great.
> I've also seen the recent Nuke tech demo at NAB this year and can see the
> people are still developing techniques to how to actually use the more
> traditional 2D comp tricks in this LatLong distorted space.
> 1. Rig removals are a case in point, is the best way to do to tackle these
> spherical transform the rig into the less distrorted central region and
> then rotate it back to its orginal or is their a better way. If this region
> needs to be tracked.. how do you approach this?
> 2. stabilizing plates. whats the best approach?
> 3. The LatLong blue that the Foundry demo'd in the Blink Script was
> interesting as the blur strength was obviously stronger at different parts
> of of the distorted plate.
> This lead me to think could we somehow use a sphercial distortion map for
> all our nodes or a utilize a STMAP UV map in some way.
> It would be good to hear from other peoples experience with comping in his
> LatLong Space , on what TO DO and NOT TO DO.
> cheers
> pat wong

Deke Kincaid
M&E OEM Development Manager
The Foundry
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