thanks everyone for the input.
Good to know that other studios are using multipart exrs too
@Nathan we do post convert them with the a custom tool as we have not found another way to preserve or generate different bit depths per layer. @Jed we will try to do the same here, I guess that is about the only test we can do too :-)

My question rose mainly because one of our compers, was having huge cpu hits (in an interactive nuke session), he then used the "monolithic" old exr and stated these cpu hits were gone...
But this might have been related to anything but the exr change too.

My experience sofar is the same as Jeds, read performance is obviously better, I still want to compare it to "splitted" exrs sometime soon.

As we are under Windows I never want to run into the "too many open files" error again. So I am keen on using the multi parts, and asset management wise it is also less to worry about (in terms of files). Sure rerendering only one AOV gets complicated, still sampling needs to be the same anyway and creating a seperate renderLayer is not at problem.

Once I have done the test I ll post them here.


Am 9/13/15 um 0:04 AM schrieb Jed Smith:
I did some poor-man's benchmarking comparing multipart exrs to old-style monolithic exrs in a moderate sized comp with about 12 different read nodes each pointing to exrs rendered with about 15-20 aov layers. This particular comp was shuffling out and using perhaps 4-5 AOVs out of the total available.

I did this test by re-rendering each asset from old-style (interleaved layers channels and views), into multipart style (interleaved channels), and comparing render times. With this particular comp, the multipart version rendered about 15-20x faster.

This result finally convinced the CG guys to look into integrating a multi-part exr combiner into our Katana render workflow, not to mention the amount of suffering which was eliminated for compositors working in heavy cg comps with less than ideal network infrastructure).

Comps with multi-part renders from CG are also much more interactive to work with which is a big advantage for productivity. Seriously, I can't recommend them enough, it's been a big contributor to saved time and reduced suffering at the studio I work at.

Frequently with monolithic exr renders with more than 10 aovs things get really bad. For example on one show a couple years ago, we were rendering 200+ layer exrs from cg, and trying to comp with these renders, you would frequently change the frame, and wait 15-20 seconds for the image to load and Nuke to start responding again. With multipart exrs, the same 200 layer exr would be as interactive to work with as a single layer render if you're only using one aov.

Of course I'm not comparing multipart exrs to the "each aov as a separate image sequence" style of working, but I assume they would be roughly comparable assuming good network infrastructure.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Thorsten Kaufmann <thorsten.kaufm...@mackevision.com <mailto:thorsten.kaufm...@mackevision.com>> wrote:


    as far as i understood the original question it was specifically
    about multipart images. There is no doubt that non-multipart
    monolithic files are WAY WAY slower (if you do not use all passes
    that is).

    Multipart is supposed to get rid of that limitation though. It
    DOES re-add the limitations that scanline interleaving was
    supposed to solve in the first place (allowing per scanline access
    to parts of a scanline to allow for highly efficient ROI access).

    That being said the tests i have been doing so far were done using
    the multipart converter included in the openexr samples. Nuke can
    write them too, but Nuke has its own set of limitations for the
    EXR spec (e.g. not being able to write different bitdepth per

    These files are a LOT faster in our use cases. I have however not
    done proper benchmarking yet let alone for your default VFX
    scenario (we are relying on multipart in some very specific use



    Thorsten Kaufmann
    Production Pipeline Architect

    Mackevision Medien Design GmbH
    Forststraße 7
    70174 Stuttgart

    T +49 711 93 30 48 606 <tel:%2B49%20711%2093%2030%2048%20606>
    F +49 711 93 30 48 90 <tel:%2B49%20711%2093%2030%2048%2090>
    M +49 151 19 55 55 02 <tel:%2B49%20151%2019%2055%2055%2002>

    www.mackevision.com <http://www.mackevision.com>

    Geschäftsführer: Armin Pohl, Joachim Lincke
    HRB 243735 Amtsgericht Stuttgart

    *VFX:* Game of Thrones, Season 5 – VFX making of reel
    TWITTER | ADOBE BEHANCE:* Follow us on Twitter
    <https://twitter.com/Mackevision> and Adobe Behance

    *Von:* nuke-users-boun...@support.thefoundry.co.uk
    <mailto:nuke-users-boun...@support.thefoundry.co.uk>> im Auftrag
    von Howard Jones <mrhowardjo...@yahoo.com
    *Gesendet:* Samstag, 12. September 2015 11:07
    *An:* Nuke user discussion
    *Betreff:* Re: [Nuke-users] Multipart multichannel exrs vs.
    separate exrs
    That is a good point about which layers are left unused, however
    the time lag in not including these passes, then requesting a pass
    that could have been included, waiting for it would have a very
    negative impact on a fast turn around project. Far more than
    having them available anyway.

    On the other point If i needed an extra pass I would expect it to
    be as a separate file regardless of the original delivery.


    On 12 Sep 2015, at 9:55 am, Elias Ericsson Rydberg
    <mailto:elias.ericsson.rydb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    As a 3D lighter I prefer having it split into multiple files.
    Sure it's nice to deliver one big exr to comp because then you
    know all the available channels will show up in nuke. Easy and
    quick for compositor to bring into the app. Neat.

    But I see a few drawbacks, at least with the way the compositors
    used the resulting passes. Some would just use the beauty pass
    and then maybe add/subtract some lighting passes or use a mask or
    two. Making the majority of the passes redundant But since they
    were still included, because they might be nice to have, they
    mostly just caused a strain on the network.

    Albeit this was a few years ago, and exr might have improved
    since. But even so, when the compositor requested a new special
    pass. Like a second more broad ambient occlusion pass. It became
    a bit of a hassle to copy that one pass into the previously
    delivered main file in nuke and then write out a new main file.

    I know this I deviating from the original topic, which is faster,
    multipart or monolithic? And the answer is of course "it
    depends". Does the compositor use all the passes and does the
    monolith only include the very essentials then that may be the
    faster route. Do you include a lot of masks and special utility
    passes, then size of the file grows and the load on the network

    Excuse the long post, and for possibly just stating the obvious.

    Den 12 sep 2015 2:06 fm skrev "Randy Little"
    <randyslit...@gmail.com <mailto:randyslit...@gmail.com>>:

        was Just saying if someone would like I think there has been
        in depth discussion about it I believe. Wasn't meaning to
        contradict you if it came off like that.  3 weeks no days off
        shortest day 13 hours brain left last week.

        Randy S. Little

        On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Nathan Rusch
        <nathan_ru...@hotmail.com <mailto:nathan_ru...@hotmail.com>>

            Yup, and that's part of what I said. I just wanted to
            point out that multiple file sequences *does* introduce
            its own form of overhead, but it's still almost always
            the better option.

            *From:*Randy Little <mailto:randyslit...@gmail.com>
            *Sent:* Friday, September 11, 2015 4:29 PM
            *To:*Nuke user discussion
            *Subject:* Re: [Nuke-users] Multipart multichannel exrs
            vs. separate exrs
            Can't speak to multipart at all but there has always been
            discussion on the list about monolithic multichannel
            files not being faster in traditional networked
            workflows.  I"m sure I can find the archives and repost
            those results.  (pretty sure actually data)
            Randy S. Little

            On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Nathan Rusch
            <mailto:nathan_ru...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

                It has to *open* the file, yes, but opening does not
                imply reading.
                One of the main points of a multi-part file is to
                allow discrete access to each part. As far as I know,
                hardly any renderers currently support writing
                multi-part files though, and your 3D guys may not
                know how to set them up even if they could, so
                chances are you're looking at 1.x files.
                To partially echo Thorsten, I think in theory
                multi-part files should be faster than separate file
                sequences (I say "in theory" because I haven't done
                any benchmarking of my own).
                Multiple file sequences generally beat monolithic
                single-part (i.e. multi-layer EXR 1.x) files because
                of Nuke's selective channel access behavior. In other
                words, you are rarely reading all of your AOVs at the
                same time and same place in the node tree, but you
                are still paying the decompression/read cost for all
                of them whenever one is read. Incremental
                improvements to Nuke's caching system may have
                improved the situation with mutli-layer 1.x files
                somewhat though.
                On the other side, using multiple sequences trades
                the "read-and-decompress-everything" requirement for
                the overhead of requiring Nuke to at least open and
                read each file's header in order to determine what
                channels are available (regardless of what channels
                are actually being read). If you use network storage
                like most people, this overhead can increase quite a
                bit due to latency, cluster cache eviction, etc.
                However, it's still generally better than the
                On paper, multi-part files should ideally give you
                the best of both worlds: encapsulation alongside
                piecemeal data access. To inspect the available
                channels, Nuke only needs to open a single file,
                though it will still need to read the header for each
                part (I'm assuming there's a jump table at the top of
                the file, but I'm not sure). You can then also seek
                to and read the data for any one layer without
                touching data for any others (assuming each is stored
                in its own part). This relies on smart reader plugin
                design on the Nuke side, as well as support for
                parallel access to different parts in the same file.

                *From:*Randy Little <mailto:randyslit...@gmail.com>
                *Sent:* Friday, September 11, 2015 2:57 PM
                *To:*Nuke user discussion
                *Subject:* Re: [Nuke-users] Multipart multichannel
                exrs vs. separate exrs
                Has to load the file to read it always. Can't just
                load part of a little endian file pretty sure.   I
                know here I can load a beauty pass and scrub it and
                play around with it and do all kinds of fun things.
                When some 3d guy decides to put 50 passes (10-15) it
                take longer to load and they are don't scrub.
                Randy S. Little

                On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 1:53 PM, Thorsten Kaufmann
                <mailto:thorsten.kaufm...@mackevision.com>> wrote:

                    This is not really true with multipart EXR files
                    anymore. If files are interleaved by layer
                    rathern than by scanline you loose the benefits
                    but gain performance compared to multiple
                    sequences. I have yet to do a full performance
                    check but the boost seems to be rather big if you
                    do not use all channels (if you use all channels
                    it should not matter anyways, should it).

                    I expect multichannel to still have some overhead
                    maybe, but given the downsides of splitting exrs
                    (too many open file handles anyone?) This is a
                    use case decicsion i would say.



                    Thorsten Kaufmann
                    Production Pipeline Architect

                    Mackevision Medien Design GmbH
                    Forststraße 7
                    70174 Stuttgart

                    T +49 711 93 30 48 606
                    F +49 711 93 30 48 90
                    M +49 151 19 55 55 02

                    www.mackevision.com <http://www.mackevision.com>

                    Geschäftsführer: Armin Pohl, Joachim Lincke
                    HRB 243735 Amtsgericht Stuttgart

                    im Auftrag von Randy Little
                    *Gesendet:* Freitag, 11. September 2015 22:06
                    *An:* Nuke user discussion
                    *Betreff:* Re: [Nuke-users] Multipart
                    multichannel exrs vs. separate exrs
                    big huge all passes in a exr is slow. Has to read
                    entire file (75MB+) to find the channel you want
                    that might be 200KB every single time you want to
                    deal with that little mask channel. They also
                    seem to take longer to render out of 3d.   We
                    usually break them up by math type and try not to
                    stuff 20 passes into a file.
                    Randy S. Little

                    On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Johannes Hezer
                    <mailto:j.he...@studiorakete.de>> wrote:

                        Hey everyone,

                        A bit of a survey question... Is anyone using
                        multipart exrs ?
                        We have been using them for 2 projects and we
                        have not done any performance profiling, but
                        I am not 100% sure if it is a speed bost or
                        not, compared to multichannel 1.xxx exrs.
                        I was hoping might come close to splitted
                        exrs (each layer in a single file) ...

                        Looking forward to some input


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