This is the scenario I have been wondering about ever since the NukeStudio concept was announced:
How will the nuke and the hiero pytho api's communicate with each other?

In Hiero/NS it's no problem to get a track item at a given time via hiero.core.Sequence.trackItemsAt() That, however, is using the hiero api, whereas the Text node is using the nuke api. If you look at the BurnIn gizmo's Text nodes you can see the rather unflattering hotchpotch of nuke specific python, tcl and generic python:

[python nuke.thisNode().metadata(nuke.toNode(nuke.thisNode().fullName().split('.')\\\[len(nuke.thisNode().fullName().split('.'))-2\\]).knob(\"burnIn_topLeft\").value(), \[frame\])]

How is this sort of approach ever going to reconcile with the hiero api in a manner that is customisable and supportable? In other words, it looks like any timeline context is lost on the Nuke side of things - but I hope I'm wrong.

On 28/01/16 5:30 am, Deke Kincaid wrote:
Let's ignore {shot} name. Let's say I just want the {clip} name. Right now if you add a track item text node it just looks up the topmost active {clip} to pull data for that expression. I want it to ignore the topmost and give me only {clip} names for Video1 for example?

On Wednesday, January 27, 2016, Michael Habenicht < <>> wrote:

    I don't think this is possible because you can only reference
    metadata which is bound to your current shot. How would you know
    which shot object has the same timing on another track?
    One solution could be to add a tag to the shot that holds the
    information your after as metadata. But I am not sure whether it
    is possible to access the metadata of a tag already or it is a
    feature request.

    Best regards,

    Deke Kincaid < <javascript:;>> wrote:

    >Yes ive made many modifications to the gizmo.  Let me be more
    >my question.
    >With a text node in the timeline. What expression would you use
    to only
    >the clip names on a specific track in the timeline?
    >On Wednesday, January 27, 2016, Frank Harrison
    < <javascript:;>>
    >> Hey Deke,
    >> the burnin is a gizmo and the python for it is fairly
    >> It mainly relies on meta-data and I'm sure you'll be able to config
    >> too. If not let me know :)
    >> plugins/BurnIn.gizmo
    >> F.
    >> On 27 January 2016 at 07:48, Deke Kincaid
    < <javascript:;>
    >> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','
    <javascript:;>');>> wrote:
    >>> In Nuke Studio.  Does anyone know how in the burnin soft effect to
    >>> the name of the clip or shot name from only a specific track?
    >>> For example my reference track has all my shot names but Video 1&2
    >has my
    >>> footage names.  I tried things like hiero/track/Video1/clip
    but I’m
    >>> having any luck.  I really don’t want to have to start renaming
    >>> single clip just to get the burn in right because that will break
    >all round
    >>> tripping to DI and other parts of editorial.
    >>> I have a feeling the answer is I’m SOL here but here’s hoping I’m
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