Thanks Jean-Luc,

Thanks works a treat and will save me a lot of time.

I'll have a look at deadline too,

thanks again


On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 10:07 AM, jean-luc <> wrote:

> I haven’t tried it myself but I have thought of a way to do that.
> In the project settings you’ll find a ’Studio” tab. There you can change
> which write node will render to the timeline. So you could potentially
> change it to the pre comp write node and then change it back to the comp
> node once it’s rendered.
> But the best way to render in the BG is to use a render manager.
> I have installed Deadline, it is free for up to 2 render slaves. Give it a
> go. it’s great!
> On 27/05/2016, at 11:30, Phillip Lange <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering if there is a way to send pre comp renders to a frame
> server from a comp script in Nuke Studio ?
> I have a frame server setup with 6 render nodes and it works fairly well
> from the timeline in Nuke studio. However, when my associated comp scripts
> get heavy and I need to pre comp inside them there doesn't seem to be a way
> to send those write nodes to render with the frame server. If you disable
> to main write node and try to render it from the timeline it fails.
> Would be great if there was an option in the write node to "render with
> frame server ".  Or possibly from the timeline a box to select which write
> nodes to render when you send it to the frame server ???
> Is there a work around for this ?
> thanks
> Phillip.
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